Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Hi there, Mister here again. I just wanted to show you what they did to my two front legs. I am very thankful that I got to finally come home.
They took all the hair off my legs and now they are all bruised from so many catheters. So I sure hope I don't have to have that again.
Thanks again for all your purrs. We sure hope all of you have a great day.


  1. Mister, they stole my furs like that when I had my teefs cleaned. It will grow back. We're sure glad you're feeling better now.

  2. Mister, you'll be nice and fluffy again in no time. In the meantime, you can tell the other cats that those are battle scars and that you got the best of that vet!

  3. Yikes Mister...they sure did steal your furs. We're glad you're feeling a lot better.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. We hope so too, Mister. And hope the fur will grow back quickly, as it is summer.

    The Chans

  5. Aw, gees...that just adds insult to injury. :( Don't worry, it will grow back in no time.

  6. Your fur will grow back quickly Mister so don't worry your war wounds will soon be covered with your lovely furs again soon. Bet Marg is feeling relieved you are back home and feeling fine.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Oh, Mister, that wasn't nice of them now, was it. Head butts from us, we hope your furs grow back quickly!

  8. Poor Baby. We hope that won't happen again Mister!

    love and hugs,
    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. We sure are glad you are home too mister! Don't worry about the fur, you look quite fashionable and it will grow back soon. Be careful everyone and have a fun day!

  10. Oh you poor wee chickie Mister! Magic is purring in sympathy as she's minus fur on all four legs. She definitely feels your pain and sends lots of love.

  11. We've been de-haired there too, no fun at all. Hopefully it heals up quick.

  12. Sweet Mister, Mom says she would come and kiss those furless patches better if you would like. We'll be purring that you heal soon. XO, Lily Olivia, Maurico, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. They sure stole a lot of furs but we're glad you are better Mister!

  14. You poor thing. I hope you don't have to go back too

  15. Yep, Little Bit has looked like that too. You'll feel lots better in a few days Mister. You wait and see.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  16. Poor Mister. I hope that's all you'll have to endure for a long while.

  17. (hugs) Mister. We are so sorry baby. Awwww but we are glad you are home and so much better.

  18. Lots and lots of hugs and get well soon. Hope you don't have that done again too. Lots of love xxx

  19. Poor boy. We are still purring.

  20. Mommy says furs grow back. Just don't lick at them a lot. Little new furs apparently are fragile.
    Mister, we are so happy you are continuing to do better!
    (((hugs))) *blush*

  21. How dare they do that to you!!! Thank goodness it should grow back quickly xoxo

  22. Ouch. Those bruises look kinda nasty. We're sure your beautiful furs will grow back quickly.

  23. dood...we hope ya doez knot ever hasta have that happen again either...ewe N boomer iz bout de same colorin coat wize...we will send ewe sum oh hiz furz sew ewe can make like a two pay for yur legs !!! hope ewe R even MOR better two day ♥♥♥♥♥

  24. Oh, owiee. That looks tender. We hope you get extra spoiled while those heal.

  25. We're glad you're feeling better !They made you a t-shirt for the hot weather ! Purrs

  26. I think vets are weird, stealing our furs like that! What do they do with them? Glad you are doing better, Mister x

  27. Poor Mister. Those V-E-Ts are sneaky, stealing furs and such. We're so glad you're feeling better though!

  28. It's not nice when they steal your fur is it Mister. Last time I went they stole it from my throat instead of my leg but I don't know why.

  29. Aw, poor Mister. That was not nice of them at all to do that to you. Glad it's all over with now

  30. Awww Mister you poor thing...they always take the furs don't they but if they give you better health then a small trade hope your mouth is feeling much better :) hugs Fozziemum xx

  31. Sending scritches and love for quick healing!!

  32. Ohhh your little leggys!! I know they hurts - cause doctors did that to me too..
    I hope you keep feeling better and betters.

  33. Dat does not look like fun. Hope your furs grow back soon!

  34. I hope you are feeling better soon and that your fur comes in prettier than ever.

  35. Happy Calendar Cat Day to Black!

  36. Poor Mister... it happens. I have missed catheters before and always felt bad about it. Some of you kitties just do not have good veins! Hope your recovery is going well.

  37. We hope you feel better soon and that your fur grows back quickly!

  38. So good to hear that Mister is doing well. I forgot to turn over the Cats of the CB calendar page yesterday. Black was looking very handsome on Thursday!

  39. Hopefully you won't have to go back to the vet. Keep an eye on those legs so they don't get infected my dear.

  40. Oh sweetheart, we are purring for you and sending good thoughts your way...

  41. PepiSmartDog: oh my COD! You have punk haircuts on your legs.
    Sorry you got bruised legs and had to go to kitteh-hospital. Hope your feeling better real soon buddy.
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop again. We really appreciate you and your posts and hope to see you this week too. *waves paw* :=o)
