Friday, July 11, 2014

Formerly Feral Friday

Hi there, Little Bit here. I used to be a feral cat and still have some of the feral behavior but I do enjoy living in the house here. I had to have a special surgery on my hip since I was hit by a car and some nice people took me to the vet to get fixed up. I spent a lot of time in a cage at the vets but then came here. I am now a happy cat.
I found this nice cubby hole in which to take it easy. I let the Person pat and scratch me but no picking up, that is for sure. I don't do laps either. I will sleep in the bed at night with the Person. I am doing well. 
Please remind everyone to Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs.
Please enjoy your Friday and have a good week end too.


  1. Oh, how we love those words...used to be a feral cat. You have it made, Little Bit! Have a great weekend!

  2. Little Bit is making great progress! If all the cats were lap cats Marg wouldn't have a big enough lap anyway...

  3. Little Bit you are doing so well with Marg to look out for you. It's a pity you don't do laps we think they are great places to nap and keep warm in the winter.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Little Bit, I'm formerly feral too. I will let the lady with the yellow hair pet me and pick me up, but I won't sit in her lap. I will sit on the dad guy. I'm glad you're doing so well now. ~Zoey

  5. You look so relaxed and happy as can be, glad you are doing well at your sea

  6. It is so nice to see you Little Bit and you really do look healthy and happy! Thanks for giving us a big smile today. Have fun gang!

  7. Sleeping with the person in the bed at night is simply WONDERFUL!!!

    The Chans

  8. LIttle Bit, you are a very lucky kitty! To have such a nice house with a wonderful mom, every kitty should be so lucky.

  9. Little Bit, you are a very lucky guy! And I think you know it. The Person is a keeper for sure!! :)

  10. We just trapped a feral kitty on Sunday and had her fixed. She is in one of the bedrooms now. Can't get close to her at all!

    Luf, Us and Maw

  11. That's a nice story. :) It's amazing that kitties can adjust...if not just a living with humans. I often threaten the parking lot kitties that I'm gonna take them home and smother them with smoochies. They just look at me---they know better.

  12. I love your name Little Bit. Our Little Bit is the love of our life too. I'm glad you have a good home with the person.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. :)

  13. Little Bit- you do look so contented! Have a purrfectly splendid day!

  14. Little Bit you sure are a cutie! We are so glad you're doing so well and recovered from that car accident!

  15. Little Bit, it sounds as though you have your priorities straight! We are glad you are all better now and happy too! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  16. Hi Little Bit!! So glad you are formally! Have a wonderful day!
    Your TX furiends,
    Samantha & Mom

  17. You look well contented in the pics. I have a cat who doesn't do laps either - saves on the claw digging in, I suppose!

  18. You are doing so well. I love your colouring and your lovely lazy look. I am glad you are happy now

  19. We're glad you're enjoying the comforts of being inside now and glad you're doing well!

  20. Little Bit, you are a cutie, thanks for the reminder!

  21. You're a beautiful boy, Little Bit, and we're glad to know you enjoy the comfort of a home ! Purrs

  22. Yeah... I was born feral, too. You'd never know it though when I'm with the peeps or even with my doctor and nurses. But strangers... I don't let strangers near me, EVER.


  23. We're so so happy you're now safe at your furrever home, Lil' Bit.

  24. little bit...N we couldna bee happee urr ya finded marg's place ta call home...coz it bee one rockin awesum place TWO call home N marg be one awesum kinda gal...
    heerz two a longfinned smelt kinda week oh end two everee one...ewe two smoke N joe !! ♥

  25. It is good to be formerly feral Little Bit, especially when you have a loving home with Marg.

  26. hi little bit! it is wonderful having a mama and a home, isn't it! takes awhile but once you're settled it's a good life.

  27. Little Bit you couldn't have found a better place to live. Happy napping.

  28. Little Bit, you sound like me! I love attention, but only with all four of my feets on the floor.

    Yr Pal, CC

  29. Hello Little Bit. Formerly feral is a good way to be and extra nice since you have such a good person to take care of you

  30. Lil' Bit we are so glad you have settled in at Marg's!

  31. Little Bit, what a sweetheart you are. Maybe someday you will find laps to your liking. So happy you are now an indoor cat and won't face the dangers of cars again. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
