Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday fun

Hello there, Mahoney here on the inside. We got this new kind of toy, house deal which is great fun. So, Mahoney, how is it in there?? It is really nice Two Two. That back is like our old tent, since it is a see through deal. No privacy in here for sure.
I am checking it all out to make sure it is all put together correctly.
And this is the back of our new house. See it is see through. I am not sure this is a good thing. Everyone can watch me while I nap or take a baff. But it is great fun to play in.

We sure hope all of you have a fun Saturday.


  1. There's no privacy because it was invented by a human. They want to spy on our every move!
    Hey Two Two and Mahoney! You guys wanna come over and play with my HUGE tunnel? It's loads and loads of fun!


  2. Maybe the see thru back is to help the breezes come in in the hot weather!

  3. Mahoney we hope you are going to share your house with Two Two - we're sure you will have great fun with it.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Hello cuties! That looks like a mighty fun fun house to me! I hope you all have a great time on this pretty weekend!

  5. Maybe the see-through is for sun puddles to be able to get in?
    Looks cool anyway!

  6. Is there room for two? Some of us like to snuggle and nap together. Have a great whiffy weekend and be sure to share. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  7. Hello girls. I love your new house and yes, those see thru places are so our pawrents can watch us" they need to get a life! XXXOOO

  8. That looks like a great house, except for the privacy thing. We suspect there's no privacy because the humans want to be able to wave the flashy box at you!

  9. Cool new house, sweeties...Hope your weekend is full of fun and treats, dear friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki..

  10. They made it see-thru so that you don't stay in there forever. Hahaha!

  11. Sweet hide-a-way! And nice of you to entertain the guests the other day too! You're rockin it!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  12. A new condo for the kitties!!!! Enjoy. We can play peek a boo with you.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  13. Mahoney, you can spy on everyone while in there too. Looks like a lot of fun. Have a great weekend!

  14. We like what Texas said - maybe it is see through for the sun puddles! Enjoy your weekend! Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang!

  15. As long as it's great fun then that's all that really matters. There are other places to hide from your mom. I'm just saying.

    Have a purrfect weekend. My best to your mom. :)

  16. Lots of fun in there for all I am sure. You are doing a great job of snoopervising there too. Enjoy.. Hugs GJ xx

  17. Happy Caturday! Hope you had a great birthday and week :-)

  18. You are right, Mahoney, it looks like fun, but a bit lacking in privacy.

  19. Yep. not to sure about that see thru thingy!

    The Mad Scots

  20. Mahoney...good job checking on the construction...hope it wasn't made of baloney
    Hugs Madi your bFFF

  21. It looks like it could be a fun fun place to play...hope you guys have a very nice Saturday...Is it a pretty, sunny day there? We have it...nice! XO

  22. A see-through house!! I had one of those this week. It was disconcerting!! ;)

  23. Mahoney, we like your new house! And you're right, everybuddy can see you...but remember you can see everybuddy too!!

  24. Definitely an issue with privacy demand a rent reduction!

  25. a see through back? All the better to see you with my dear Mahoney :)
    That looks really nice and I'm sure you will all enjoy it

  26. Looks like a pretty cozy little house you got there guys!
