Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Hello there, Little Bit here and I am having such  a good nap in my sun puddle. This is my sun puddle, I use it every morning.
I also like our new house toy. I love the see through back part. I think this might be my new favorite place.
And here is our new plant which is some kind of Columbine and the only reason the Person knows what it is is because it came with a tag.
We sure hope everyone's day is a very nice Easy day.


  1. You sure know how to do Easy, Little Bit. Happy Sunday.

  2. Enjoy your sun puddle, we're currently doing wet and windy and one of the lanterns has blown off the hanger too. Still all the more reason to lounge around and snooze!

  3. those are excellent napping spots you have.
    The only way I ever know the name of a plant is if it has it marked on the pot.

  4. Hello Little Bit, you sure do have that sunny comfy going on today! I hope you all have a fun Easy Sunday!

  5. We love your napping place Little Bit and the sunbeam makes it even better.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. You are an easy Sunday expert.

  7. Two great spots to spend an Easy Sunday, Little Bit!

  8. That sure does look like a fabulous easy Sunday, Little Bit. Hope you enjoy it!

  9. Two very nice favourite places there Little Bit. Mum says she loves the plant and its a beautiful colour.. Hugs GJ xx

  10. Little Bit, it looks like you're having a great Easy Sunday!

  11. I love columbine! So does the peep. Ol' peepers says that her grandmother used to call 'em "dancing fairies of the garden." Pretty nice name, huh? Yup. Pretty nice.


    PS. No sunpuddles here, today. sighs

  12. great little hideout you have! Love your plant too. No sun here either

  13. Woof! Woof! Enjoy and Happy Easy SUNDAY. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  14. That is such a super play and nap house. Lovely flower.

  15. Yep, we are doing the same, enjoying the day, before we get another round of rain, ice and freezing come Monday Night!

    The Mad Scots

  16. Looks like you know who to do Easy Like Sunday very well Little Bit. Just enjoy.

    Love the spring flowers. It's a magical time of year indeed.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. :)

  17. We're glad you like your new house--no one can sneak up from the back :)

    Your mommy's columbine is very pretty. I love blue flowers of any kind!

  18. I am guessing the tag said "Some kind of Colombine?" ;)

  19. That little cave is just purrfect for when you've had enough sun puddles for the day. :)

  20. Little Bit, looks like you and Mahoney sure do love that new house thingy! SCORE!

    Mowzers, it's so nice YOUR yard has color. OURS has nuttin'. Not one single poor pitiful lonely flower in it. *sigh*

  21. My human wishes ALL plants EVERYWHERE had tags because she can never identify them for her photo blog! So glad we kitties don't have to think about things like that.

  22. Napping in sun puddle is the best! It seems sun has abandoned us here, though.
    The flower looks beautiful. I won't know the name without tag either :-)

  23. HI Little Bit! That sure is a great Easy you've got going on, and we love that flower, too. So pretty!

  24. How nice to have a RELIABLE sun puddle!

    Mommy is giggling about the flowers...her and Daddy make up names cos they can never remember. Like "Johnny-Jackasses" for some daisy they have! They are weird.

  25. AHHHHHHHHHHHH now that is just too sweet and we love the purrty flowers.
    hugs Madi your BFFF

  26. Glad to see the sun is cooperating and Sping ( early Summer? ) is finally at your house.

  27. Oh goodness, that flower is so pretty!

  28. That's a pretty flower. Momma brought home a stem and planted it. I hope it blooms soon becausevshe said it's pretty. Enjoy your sun puddle! =)

  29. Little bit - you enjoy that sunpuddle. We didn't get much sun today, just lots of very strong winds that almost knocked the Momster over.

    Your columbine is very pretty. Mom says she used to have a couple of those in the front garden beds and is wondering now where they went. At least she can't blame us because we don't get to go out in the front gardens.

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  30. Little bit - you enjoy that sunpuddle. We didn't get much sun today, just lots of very strong winds that almost knocked the Momster over.

    Your columbine is very pretty. Mom says she used to have a couple of those in the front garden beds and is wondering now where they went. At least she can't blame us because we don't get to go out in the front gardens.

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  31. I love my cozy-tent with the round opening too! You do a great easy, Little Bit! XOXOXO

  32. Yous sure looks comfy Lil Bit!
    Me is happy yous has such a great sun puddle and that flower is bluetiful!

  33. Looks like a perfect lazy, easy, nappy day, but then what day isn't for kitties. Aren't we lucky. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  34. How in the world did I miss this yesterday? And that is a Columbine and mom wishes she could be there to take pictures!!!!!!

  35. Also you look all full of gingery goodness!
