Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy Tuesday

We are all very Happy here since we got our electric back
and will be warm again.
The kitties were soooo cold during our loss of power since there 
wasn't any heat.
There is our Orange Boy other wise known 
as Boyzo.
Happy St. Patricks day to all.

Wishing everyone a great Tuesday.


  1. Oh noooooooooooooooooooooo and it was cold and damp over the weekend too.
    Thank goodness for heat
    Hugs and Happy St. Paddy's day

  2. Having heat is good! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  3. Oh gosh...! We're glad you have power -- and HEAT -- back!

    Purrs from Derry.

  4. I hope y'all got warmed up and cozy once again. Happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us!

  5. Brian was nice enough to let me know you were without power. I was worried. Glad you're all warm again.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  6. oh no! I'm glad it is back on. I have this image of you lying in bed with all the cats on top of you to keep warm. :)

  7. Power outages are awful, I'm glad it is back and everyone is warm again. Boyzo is such a sweet boy and looks very happy in that green grass.

  8. Glad the power is back. Happy St. Patty's Day! XO

  9. Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day!
    Too bad cats don't like Irish Breakfast Tea, to keep them warm.

  10. Losing power is hard. Glad it's back now!
    Orange Boy is looking very handsome :-) Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  11. We're so glad you're all warm and toasty again. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you!

  12. Happy St. Patrick's Day, and i pray you have no more power outages.

  13. I'm glad you got your electricity back! Brrr!

  14. Good thing your power is back on

  15. I am glad you have your power back.
    Happy St.Patrick's Day!

  16. I must have missed something. I didn't realize your power was out. Glad you have it back on

  17. Oh no, it has been damp and chilly here, so we know how much we appreciate our heat. Hope there are no more problems. Take care.

    Happy St. Paddy's Day.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  18. We didn't realize your power had gone off ! Glad things are getting back to a bit of normal ! Of course those of us with multiple kitties can always pile on another cat.

  19. No power sucks and is frustrating, here it is starting to cool down
