Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tabby Tuesday

There is our Tees boy, brother to Ohs. He only stays
outside and is very happy out there.
He knows how to do the easy and also 
show off his belly.

Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday.


  1. Tees I'm a firm believer in finding 'your' own comfort zone. You are a handsom boy
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Some kitties don't want to live indoors. They like it outside that that's that. I had one of those many years ago.

    Have a purrfect Tabby Tuesday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  3. Tees has some beautiful markings and coloring and that tum - cute, cute!

  4. Tees is a handsome tabby mancat; does he allow humans to pet him?

  5. Tees, we know you want to stay strictly outside to protect everyone there from those evil introoders. You are doing a great job! Hugs and love to Mom Marg.

  6. Hey handsome tees, I hope you're keeping your paws dry today, it looks pretty yucky out there. Hugs to your Mom from all of us.

  7. Hello Tees. If outside is what you prefer then that's a good place for you to be.

  8. dood... n joyz sum out side time for uz pleez N thanx....we dunno why... but we iz rememberin hannah N lucy rite now ~~~~~~~~~~ ♥♥☺☺♥♥

  9. Sure has the easy down while enjoying the outdoors indeed.

  10. I can't get enough of that adorably fluffy tummy of yours, Tees!

  11. Tees, we know you want to stay strictly outside to protect everyone there from those evil introoders. You are doing a great job! Hugs and love to Mom Marg. lawn salwar kameez , ladies lawn suits , pakistani lawn collection , pakistani suits online , embroidered lawn suits , pakistani suits , lown dress , pakistani printed suits , pakistani lawn suits with chiffon dupatta , lawn clothes
