Monday, October 28, 2019

A Very Special Day for Marg's Animals

Pepper, Tip Tail, Khaki and Sissy ... all gather 'round dear Jakey ... now if by chance
(which is doubtful) you don't know Jakey ... he is a good friend who lives with 
his brother Arty and sister Rosy at LLB In Our Backyard.

They are hosting a very special event right now ... No Tricks, Just Treats!
And chose three from our very own pet world to highlight and support ... last
week they honored, and rightfully so, BRIAN'S HOME and tomorrow they will
post all about sweet Matilda and her family at THE LEGACY CHRONICLES.

Today?  It's all of us!  Yes ... all of us ... we're excited.  Our paws are waving
and our tails are up!  We're honored, we're happy ... we are so 
very thankful ... and please, just click on the link below and visit them.

"probably all you "never" wanted to know and more!" 
~ thank you, with love, from Marg and all the animals ~


  1. We sure hope our special day today is a success!

  2. How exciting. I'm heading over to read it now.

  3. All of you are special to it's fitting that you should have a special day!

  4. You've done so much for so many babies over the years. Thank you for that, Marg.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Healing hugs to the mom. ♥♥♥

  5. Loved reading about you Marg (I am very nosey, hehe) Now I know for sure what a special peep your are!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Marg you are wonderful, thanks for all you do. Hugs.

  7. You kitties sure are lucky to have found such a wonderful human!

  8. Marg your devotion and love of all creatures great and small is an inspiration.
    Love and hugs and prayers to you and the critters

  9. Hi Marg, this is my first time here. We read your story that Jakey posted today. we know and love Jakey, Rosie and Arty and loved Angel Dory very much... Thanks for all you do and for your love for all animals, yours and others. We sent you a little donation for our Treats not Tricks this year. Prayers for your health and your sweet loving animal family. You can meet Big Boy, the current love of our lives at You will see why he is named Big

  10. Your are an inspiration Marg :-)

    Have an inspiring day :-)

  11. If I were close to you, Marg, I'd be there daily to help out with your critters! As it is, I'll send purrs and hugs!

  12. I just read about you on LIB. It was nice to learn more about you. You are amazing! XO

  13. You all are so special to us too... We hope that special day is a success ! Purrs

  14. Read indeed. The kitties sure have a wonderful spot with you.

  15. I shall do what is instructed and go there now

  16. It was a lovely story about a great person and her animals ! Thank you very much !

  17. We loved the story on LLB. A tip of the tail to a wonderful woman.

  18. What a very special lady you are Marg. We feel honored to have been able to funnel your beautiful story.

    Thank you for all you do!!!
    Jakey and the LLB Gang!

  19. I truly enjoyed reading your story, Marg. I didn't know all of these details, and it's so wonderful to know you this much better. Every creature who has ever found its way to you is so blessed, Marg. Purrs and prayers to you!
