Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thankful Thursday

We are very thankful that our Sissy girl is 
doing just fine with her one eye.
She and Susie Q are great buddies. 
We so hope all our friends in Charleston
come through the hurricane all right. 
Happy Thursday to all


  1. Awww, good for sweet Sissy. It's amazing how well non-humans can adapt, much better than most humans, we think! Purrs to her.

    Nicki and Derry

  2. Sissy, you are totally adorable sweetie! I hope you all keep cool today, the hots are way too hot! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. We're glad that Sissy is doing so well.

  4. Sissy you will be just fine and will heal up quickly. Purrs for all those near the hurricane

  5. Aw, you're adorable. You'll be just fine since your mom will see to that.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday, Sissy. My best to all the other kitties, Smoke and Joe and especially your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  6. I am glad she is doing well. She is a pretty girl.

  7. Oh, I just want to swoop Sissy up into my arms and shower her with kisses!

  8. OMC! Where have we been that we missed some new cute faces around here? We'll have to quit slacking and stay caught up!

  9. She's so cute and looks absolutely adorable! I hope she recovers just fine!

    /Nabil @ SketchGrowl Pet Portraits

  10. Precious girl, I'm so glad you are doing well little Sissy. Keeping Charleston in our thoughts and prayers today.

  11. that is wonderful that Sissy is doing well, it's amazing how adaptable animals are. Our thoughts/prayers are with Charleston as well!

  12. sissy ewe be gorgeouz.....N we hope everee one stayz safe long de coast; dorian waz vizshuz ♥♥♥

  13. We're so glad your sweet Sissy is doing well ! Purrs

  14. Good for Sissy for doing so well. We once had a pup named Lucky who wasn't so lucky. First he lost one eye, then the other a year later. But he still managed pretty well.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. I am glad she is doing well. SHe is a beauty. XO

  16. Paws crossed for the humans and animals in Charleston!

  17. Aww, what a sweet little girl she is

  18. Sissy, you are beyond adorable! My angel Rosie lost her right eye as well. Purrs and prayers to all!
