Saturday, November 17, 2018

Donkey Saturday

Smoke and Joe just wondering where all the 
grass went.
Smoke looking very handsome.
Enough of this standing around outside, 
I am going to get a snack
Happy Saturday to All.


  1. Sure a handsome pair indeed. Stinks when all the grass goes poof.

  2. Oh boys, somebody stole your grass?!?! I hope you both find lots of snacks and keep plenty warm!

  3. Well, that sure isn't fair that someone came and stole your grass! At least you have snacks in the barn! Have a great weekend!

  4. Oh me...not the infamous grass thief!! I bet the resident kitties are gonna miss hiding and hunting in the grass too.
    Your Donkeys make me smile
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. If only they could come to my yard about every two weeks during the summer.

  6. Good morning, guys! And oh yes, Smoke you are looking particularly handsome today!

  7. Winter comes and takes all the grass, doesn't it? That's okay, your family will give you plenty to eat. Very handsome boys!

  8. I'm glad you kids found a snack. I'm also wondering what the heck happened to the grass at my house. It's covered with SNOW!

    Love and licks,

  9. Smoke and Joe are so cute. I'd love to love on them.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Marg. I hope the kitties are doing better. ♥♥♥

  10. Sorry boys, you will have to wait until Spring for more tasty grass.

  11. I know I say this every week, but I LOVE Donkey Saturday! Smoke and Joe are looking darling as always. Catscue Cat Mom

  12. Standing around outside here will make you very cold today. Good idea going for a snack

  13. Our neighbor donkeys must be wondering the same thing - their yard is all brown too. Enjoy that snack, you two handsome boys.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Oh, we just love seeing you two handsome donkeys every week, Joe and Smoke! Should we blame the missing grass on the weather, boys, or on your teeth? Happy snacking!
