Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Global Cat day

We have an abundance of feral cats around 
here and so we are trying to catch them and get 
them fixed. This is Moo who is now living in my 
extra room with two others, Loo and JJ.Moo is
 very feral but now at least comes out from under the bed.
This is Loo who is a kitten and as you can see
is interested in what I am doing. She comes out 
a lot and plays with me with a wand toy. 

This is JJ who is now in the feral cat room and 
I have only seen her about twice. She stays
under the bed. She is Jean's daughter who we 
put back out at the feral spot outside and very 
sadly got run over. So JJ is very special to all 
of us.
Here are some of the feral cats. The tabby, we have 
caught and returned to the feral group.
We are still in the process of catching more,
but we had a set back this week, the owner of the
property behind the feeding place is scaring the cats 
away for some unknown reason. So we have moved
 the feeding station and some of the kitties have left.
Everyone have a great Tuesday.


  1. These kitties are truly so lucky to have you, Marg. You are so kind and compassionate, and I wish there were more people like you in this world. Thank you for caring for the feral kitties! They are all so cute!

  2. I wish the owner of that property wasn't such a butt and I know you do too. Thanks for helping them out, they sure appreciate your kindness.

  3. We are so glad you are taking care of those feral kitties.

  4. So sorry you had a setback. Some people don't understand that you're trying to help the kitties. When we were trying to trap Lucy and her clan, one neighbor was very helpful and allowed us to set traps on his property, but another was very angry and unhelpful. I wish you the best of luck.

  5. You do such wonderful things for the kitties. I know they appreciate it too. Bless you, Marg.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥♥♥

  6. We'll never understand why some humans lack the compassion gene!
    Thank you for helping these ferals, and all the others too.
    Feral Cats Rock!
    TNR Works!

  7. What beautiful Ferals so clean and healthy.
    I hope you can get them to the new feeding location.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. we are sorry that the property owner is getting in the way of helping the cats....it is a shame when they can't just leave them alone

  9. We love all the work you do for the feral kitties, and are sorry the land owners aren't cooperating more!
    Jakey & Arty

  10. guyz....may yur mom bee blessed 100 fold for helpin theeze kitteez...N we bet ina few
    they will noe de feedin stayshunz been moooved N find de new spot !!☺☺☺♥♥♥

  11. Great that you are able to help so many. Too bad that owner wouldn't go play in the woods and get lost for a bit.

  12. Such cute kittens and so lucky to have someone like you who cares about them

  13. We think Loo, Moo, and JJ are so lucky to have found you and your loving home. We hope it all works out for them. And we hope the other ferals will come back so you can do your work in catching them. Good luck and thanks.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. How sad about the owner of the property. Sometimes you can talk people into realizing you are taking care of a situation and get their help, sometimes not.

  15. Sending purrayers & POTP as you try to help these kitties ! Once the new feeding station is established, hopefully some of the ferals will come back. Bless you for doing what you can (and all the others who do, too !)

  16. It is wonderful what you are doing for the ferals. I am sorry the neighbour is being so obstructive. Hopefully the cats will come back when they see the feeding station has been moved away from him.

  17. Such cuties and I love the names. How mean of someone to scare the cats.

  18. I've never said this before - but I admire you so much, Marg. You truly make a difference in the lives of all your animals. So many people talk about what they'd like to be different and then do nothing - I admire that you get your hands dirty and work so hard to advocate for cats.

  19. No feral cats around here in fact there is only one cat we see at times a grey one who belongs to a neighbour

  20. Thank you for all your hard work to help those feral cats, Marg. We are mad and sad that your neighbor is being such a jerk!

  21. Marg,
    You do such great work. Ferals can be difficult. But they are worth it in the end! Happy Naticonal Feral Cat Day!

  22. I'm glad you are trying to help these kitties. It isn't always easy, that's for sure!

  23. Thank you for taking care of those sweet feral cats.

  24. My heart aches for these defenseless cats and kittens. The work you are doing to help them is fantastic, if only every one would be as kind.

