Saturday, October 6, 2018

Feral kitties.

As some of you know, our human Mom has been helping a friend catch and spay and neuter some feral cats that are right down the road. Two are in a room in the house here and one of them, Loo is beginning to trust the Mom
This is J.J. which is one of Jean's children who
we had had fixed but unfortunately was run 
over by a car when we returned her to their home. So
J.J. is very special to us. We are hoping to get her sibling
This is one of seven kittens living down there.
Now this is something unusual I think. This is two 
of the newer kittens born and it seems the Mom Cat
put them up in a tree probably in a squirrel's nest. They do 
come down but seem to go back up. They are too cute
coming down. What a smart Mom Cat to put them up there
where it couldn't be safer.
Everyone have a fantastic Saturday.


  1. That is smart mom cat indeed. Don't think I've ever seen them put in a tree like that before.

  2. Good luck, kitties. I’ve always wanted to be up in a tree. Apparently most doggies can’t climb that well.

    Love and licks,

  3. Thank you, Mom Marge, for helping those ferals! And what a very smart cat mom putting her kittens in that squirrel nest. Have a great weekend!

  4. Dang, that is smart to put them up in a higher space. The sure are cute and thanks for helping them Marg!

  5. Loo is very cute and oh my word those kittens in the nest are adorable!!
    What a smart mom
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I really wish there were no feral cats, they aren't really wild animals. For them to try at a try at nature is a bit sad.

  7. Mama is smart. Of course, she would be smarter to let herself be caught and fixed, but she doesn't know that.

    Thank you so much for working with these animals. If everyone would work together to care for strays, we'd have homes for all.

  8. You do such good work helping feral kitties. It's a good thing.

    Scritches to all the kitties and Smoke and Joe too.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Marg. ♥♥♥

  9. How sad about Jean being run over. I wish all these kitties could get forever homes. XO

  10. Feral Caretakers are the best folks! Good job with those little ones.

  11. Smart choice indeed ! Paws up for helping and taking good care of those ferals ! Purrs

  12. Such sweet kittens.
    WE purr you have luck catching them.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  13. Such a sharp and caring Mom that Mama Kitty must be. We hope your work to catch the ferals is successful.

    Have a good weekend.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. It is great that you and your friend are trapping the ferals to get them fixed. The kittens in the tree are so cute. That is one smart mama cat.

  15. How interesting that mama put the kitties up a tree. We’ve never seen that before. We sure hope you can get all the kitties trapped and fixed.

  16. That is a smart mom cat to put her babies up in the tree

  17. The kittens in the tree are so cute, getting the feral cats fixed is a great thing your friend is doing

  18. The kittens in the tree are cute, but I bet it is tough getting them out of ther! Mom has a tough time getting me out of mine and its not that tall!

  19. Wow, what a clever mom cat, putting those babies up in the tree! Thank you, Marg, for helping your neighbor with those ferals.

  20. That's a smart move by mommy cat to place her kittens safe up on the tree! Purrs and hugs!

  21. it seems like the work is never done to neuter and spay the feral kitties. They really are cute, though!

  22. Thank you so much for helping these kitties, Marg. You are such a kind and caring soul. And those kitties nestled up in that tree sure is something to see. I don't think I've ever seen such a thing. Thank you again for caring for these kitties, Marg!

  23. Thank you for helping the kitties, Marg! You are such a good egg. LOVE the kitties in the tree!

  24. So sad about Jean.
    Goes to show, feral mama's are fierce about protecting their babies!

  25. When I was a kid, sometimes the barn cats would put their kittens up in the hay mow. The tree kitties reminded me of that. You're doing good work!
