Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Tip, in front and Bubba just enjoying life. 
Bubba is very thankful to be able to get up on 
the roof to enjoy the view.
He is also thankful for the sofa on the porch.
Sorry I haven't been visiting as much, I had to 
have 5 places taken off my arms and face to see
if they were cancer. 
Happy Thursday to all


  1. You boys are such fun ones. I hope the Mom is okay, the Dad has dealt with that too, hugs from all of us. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Great spots to enjoy a summer day! Keeping Mom Marge in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs.


  3. Looks like Bubba really knows how to enjoy life! Sending lots of purrs to Marg and hope all is okay.

  4. Praying you find the spots are all clear.

    Bubba looks like he is an expert and enjoying and being thankful for things.

  5. I'm sorry you're having issues with spots. I hope the tests come back okay. I wondered what happened.

    I love all your kitties and I'm thankful for your friendship, Marg.

    Have a purrfect day all you kitties. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  6. I hope you get good news with your procedure. Keeping you in my prayers.

  7. What beautiful green grass and lovely shade you have T.T. and Bubba
    Sending purrs and hugs that the spots are all negative!
    Hugs madi and mom

  8. You kitties all have such fun and cozy place to relax and snooze! Marg, we're sending you lots and lots of purrs and prayers. We hope you are recovering from your procedure, and that tests come back with good news.

  9. We too have many things to be thankful for. We sure hope that the report for Marg is all good news. Our Dad has had lots of those thingies removed too, so we understand the worry. Hugs.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

  10. Bubba, you are so chill!
    Have had the same thing happen to me; all I have to show for any of it is scars! Hope that is what happens for you too: nothing!

  11. Awww efurryone looks relaxed and happy!
    I hope you will get a good news about the test. xo

  12. Yikes! We are grateful that's done and over with for you. Prayers for the best results.

    Love and licks,

  13. I had four places tested for cancer late last year--all were negative and I sure hope they are negative for you too.

  14. I've been wondering where you've been. Hope all the tests come back ok. I'll be thinking of you and sending prayers

  15. Having such great spots is always a win. Hopefully the tests come back negative.

  16. cranbereez guyz...we hope mom getz an all kleer ree port frum de eeeeeevil place her had ta go two ~~~~
    :( ♥♥

  17. They are such cuties. I will be praying that you do not have cancer. XO

  18. Purrayerss & POTP for your Mama to get a clean bill of health !

  19. You kitties sure found some good places to spend the day! Marg, we are purring and praying that you get some good test results back.
