Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Lil Bit says that there just isn't anything better
than a good bag.
It is also great fun to chew the paper into 
little pieces.
So, this is the best way to have a snooze,
just use two beds. 
We are so thankful for all of our foods and beds and 
a roof over our heads. We are very lucky kitties here and donkeys too.

Go here to join.


  1. Did that paper bag make nice scrunching noises Lil Bit???
    I luffs chewing up paper as well, its great FUNS when the peeps have to chase me to retrieve whatever it is I am having a ripping time with, hehe
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Way to go Lil Bit, you sure did it up right! Have a super fun Thursday everyone and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!h

  3. We are thankful kitties are so easily pleased. Ours love a new bag or box too.

  4. We agree, Little Bit. Bags are so much fun.

  5. Paper bags are a big thankful in our house, especially for Dansig. Happy Thursday!

  6. Lil Bit, Manny enjoys paper bags and cardboard boxes, but yesterday he found an even BETTER toy: a plastic spoon! Hokey smokes, did he kick that thing from hither to yon, then carried it in his mouth to drop at my feet, so I could toss it for the play to begin again!

  7. We have some paper bag lovers around here, too, Lil Bit. Kitten Tonks especially loves to tear them to shreds. Oh, and we love your tip on using two beds. So cozy! Happy Thursday to all of you!

  8. I think you can do whatever you want and whenever you want. I'm pretty sure the mom is all good with that.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  9. You are such a sweetie and so cute too. XO

  10. lil bit....we agreez like 10000000000 purrcent...we hope everee onez havin a grate day N tell smoke N joe we said hee haw N heerz ta grazz grazin ~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  11. Lil Bit, you are a very smart kitty - these are great tips for good living!

  12. What a cutie you are, Lil Bit!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  13. Little Bit, we will take a comfy bed any day over a bag, but we have had our share as young ones of having fun ripping up a bag or two or three:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. That paper sure is fun to tear apart. Nothing wrong with being a bed hog either.

  15. Lil bit is so right! The Tribe of Five is thankful for every bag and box The Humans bring us!
    Alberto and The Tribe of Five's Purrsonal Assistant, Anita

  16. Lil Bit is so cute! Hi! Hopped over for a visit and a Follow, hope you visit me, too.

  17. Oh that last picture DID make us laugh!! Tow beds of course, it will be purrfect for snooze!

  18. Lil Bit! My Mom just LOVES seeing you on the blog. I think she is in love with you!
