Saturday, July 21, 2018

Donkey Day

Here we come Mom.
Hang on a minute Joe, I found some 
great tall grass.
Wait, Smoke, I just want to show off 
My big ears.
Happy Saturday to all.


  1. Mom's favorite day of the week! Hello Smoke and Joe! Have a great weekend you two!

  2. What mighty big ears you have indeed

  3. I always enjoy seeing you two on Saturdays. It's good that the mom let's you blog this day each week.

    Have a donkeytastic day. My best to your wonderful mom and all the kitties. ♥♥♥

  4. Howdy boys, you both are sure looking good and I hope your Saturday is super good too!

  5. Aww, just look at you two handsome boys. We love coming by on Saturdays to see you doing your thing. :)

  6. Hee Haw you boyz are so handsome and funny and girlz love funny guyz
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. Those sure are some pretty big ears you have there - the better to hear Mom coming???

    When we walk by the fenced area for our neighbor donkeys, one of them always comes right over to the fence as if he wants to say hello. Mom keeps us at a distance, though. Then as soon as he gets to the fence, he gets all noisy and riled up and lets out lots of loud noises. Then the other three come running over and push him away. We can't figure out what that is all about, but Mom says it is best we just say hello from a little ways away.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. We love your big furry ears ! Purrs

  9. Happy Donkey Saturday!
    Those really are some excellent ears.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

  10. You two are so cute. Enjoy your day

  11. Tall grass and tall ears. That's all we need for a happy Donkey Saturday! I love how focused you both look in the first picture. Makes me think your mama was carrying a bucket of goodies....

    Love and licks,

  12. Hey boys! I like to chew grass too. ~Wally

  13. Hi Smoke and Joe! Always love seeing your adorable faces, and big ears :-)

  14. You guys get distracted almost as much as us kitties!

  15. Hi Donkeys! I LOVE the grass...and the big ears!

  16. Did your mom have a nice snack for you, Joe and Smoke? When the mom around here has food, everyone comes running to her, too. Oh, and we think you both have might fine ears!

  17. doodz !!!!! we iz glad we getted ta see yur earz and we hope ya both
    N joyed lotz & LOTZ oh grazz ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥
