Saturday, December 2, 2017

Donkey Saturday

Poor Joe had a terrible day on Tuesday. He has to have his teeth filed down once a year since he has what they call a Monkey mouth which means his teeth don't meet and so his teeth will grow up into the upper gums. So he has to be tranquilized and held down and he is one fighter. But it all got done and the Mom was a wreck afterwards. He is fine now.
Joe is so happy to have that darn procedure over with for now.
Happy Saturday to all.


  1. Sounds horrible indeed, but at least it is only once a year and now you can enjoy yourself once more.

  2. Poor Joe! That does sound unpleasant. But at least it is over for the year. I love your Christmas header! :)

  3. Dental work is never pleasant, but so needed. Hope he has a great weekend to make up for it!

  4. Oh, that must have been so tough for you and your mom, Joe. But, it's done now and you don't have to worry about it for another year. We're wishing you all a happy Saturday!

  5. Poor Joe! Your mouth must feel so much better now! Can imagine how worried Mom Marg was!

  6. We are sure glad to hear you are okay now, that's sure isn't fun. I do hope you all have a fun day today though!

  7. Everyone hates the dentist it seems

  8. Joe my darlin' donkey I'm so sorry...Thank goodness it is over and done with and I know your mom was a wreck until you came out of the anesthesia.
    Kitty kisses on your new mouth
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. Poor Joe! We are happy he made it through and it is over with!
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  10. Poor Joe. What a horrible thing to have done every year. I'm glad it's done for another year.

    Have a fabulous day you two. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  11. Poor Joe, but just think that if you didn't have it done you wouldn't be able to eat when it got really bad. You have to thank Marg for keeping your teeth under control even though you mightn't think so at the time.

  12. That sounds like SUCH an unpleasant procedure - I'm glad it's over!

  13. Poor Joe! That sounds awful. I am glad he is OK now. XO

  14. Poor Joe! We sure hope he (and Marg) are feeling better now.

  15. Oh poor Joe. That sounds just awful. I think I would need more than tranquilized for that, I would need to be knocked out cold

  16. Poor Joe!! So glad that is over! Tell him my Mom was at the dentist Tuesday too, they had to GAS her!!!!! She should have gone with you Joe!!!!!! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  17. We hope Joe feels better real soon!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  18. Poor Joe! We're glad that's over now...and he's doing better.

  19. Poor Joe is right. We hope his teeth don't have to go through that again for a while. The boys' bellies are looking quite well nourished:)

    What a very jolly and festive header!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. Poor Joe ! We're glad it's over now ! Purrs

  21. Joe, stay ornery! Be true to oneself!

  22. Oh no! Poor Joe! I hope he is feeling better today and the memory of the event passes quickly for all. :(

  23. dood...we haz pain for ya just reedin bout thiz pro seed yurr.....cranbereez buddy, we iz sorree N we hope ya is feelin way better bye two day; marg kneadz ta give ewe sum extree greazz N we think her kneadz a drink !! ;) ♥♥☺☺

  24. My goodness, Joe! Monkey Mouth sounds like an AWFUL thing to have - unless of course you're a monkey - which you are NOT! I'm happy you're back to having a Donkey Mouth, and your teeth are feeling fine. Enjoy a carrot or some grass to celebrate.

    Love and licks,
