Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Orange Tabby Tuesday.

Little Bit came to us as a foster kitty, but we discovered that she was almost a feral cat and didn't want her to get into the wrong hands. Over the years she is getting more and more comfortable but still not a lap cat. She also had a big operation on her hind leg so she could never live outside but she does really well jumping up on things very carefully.

One of Little Bit's favorite things to do is to snuggle with some one. Here she climbed to the top of the cat tree and squeezed herself right in with Maggie.
She also like to peek out at all of us. 
Happy Tuesday to all.


  1. You sure found the most purrfect home, Little Bit. You even have a nip nanner!

  2. Little Bit your life is good and we are so glad you found a 4ever home full of TLC and a wonderful person
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. Liitle Bit was blessed to make such a soft landing after a hard start.

  4. Little Bit is very sweet. And we're so grateful that she has a good home.

  5. Little Bit is a cutie, I am glad you saved her.

  6. You are such a snuggly kitty, LB. I would love to nap with you.

    Love and licks,

  7. Sure found the perfect spot. Nice being able to peek out too.

  8. You are so cute, Little Bit! And we think that snuggling is the best pastime of al!

    The Chans

  9. We are so glad she is with you, she deserves the love. I hope you all have a snuggly Tuesday!

  10. You are a pretty girl. We love kitties that snuggle with other kitties.

  11. both of my family's (inlaws and mothers) cats are not lap cats. My mother's hates being picked up.

  12. I'm glad she has you and Maggie. She needs to feel safe and I'm sure she does.

    Have a purrfect day Little Bit (I love that name). My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  13. Bless you for loving Little Bit just the way she is! Our cats have been with us since 6 weeks old, and they still aren't lap cats. Patty O'Malley, our outside cat, will tolerate a little bit of lap time, but only if he's getting major scritches....

  14. That was a very good move for you, Little Bit, to come to Marg's place. We do love your name and your cute face.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. She is where she needs to be. Bless you. HUGS.

  16. It sounds like Little Bit found the perfect home with you!

  17. We're glad Little Bit has such a wonderful home with you! She's a pretty girl!

  18. little bit; in my 14 years I've never been a lap cat either; and I could live another 114 and not be. we are just happy you found your for evers with marg and your family ~~~~ hugs from dai$y =^..*=♥♥

  19. Little Bit is BEAUTIFUL! I love reading the stories of how you came across all your furbabies. Each kitty is so special and precious!

  20. I still think Little Bit is gorgeous! And she does have quite the purrsonality!
    Love Barb

  21. Little Bit you sure have the purrfect home there. Enjoy that nap with Maggie
