Monday, November 28, 2016

Mancat Monday

We all love our Black boy and Black cats really are nice cats. He does keep watch on things around here.
Nothing better than sitting in a pot to keep your eye on things.
Just look at this, I used to have to keep track of the goats too. But they were nice goats. They aren't here any more which is sad. 
We so want to thank Ann of Zoolatry for our wonderful new header.
Happy Monday to all.


  1. You are most handsome Black and we know you'll keep an eye on things! Hooray, happy dance, rain dance, y'all keep dry tomorrow and Wednesday!

  2. Glad Black Boy has his eye on things. Goats are such funny animals.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  3. Good job Black Boy. You are doing great and you're a very handsome mancat. I love your new header, very festive

  4. You are looking great Black and we hope you have a wonderful day.

  5. Happy Monday to Black and all of the guard cats!

  6. You sure are a handsome little sentry, Black. You look so cute sitting in that pot. And I love that you were friends with the goats. This human here just loves goats. Purrs, and happy Monday!

  7. Black is so sweet !
    and he rocks ! keeps eyes on all the goats, that's big responsible
    kudos to him

  8. Sure look like you have guard duty down. The goats must have been fun to interact with.

  9. I luffs the new header!
    Looks like a great conversation going on with the goats, I never knew goats were so talkative!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. YOUR HEADER IS STUNNING...OMCs Joe and Smoke those are fine looking wreaths too
    Happy Man cat Monday
    Hugs madi your bfff

  11. Black, you are a handsome house panther.

  12. That looks like you have a fun place to play. I's see you have goats too.
    My Giant Lady has a goat, sheeps, tons of stinky chickens, ponys.....

    Rose ~the adult kitten

  13. Black cats rock. Okay, all cats rock.

    Have a purrfect Awww and Mancat Monday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  14. We think black mancats are super handsome! We love your new header! We noticed it right away!

  15. We love seeing Mancats taking care of business, even when pails are involved. LOVE your new header!

  16. That's too bad you don't have anymore goats to supervise.

  17. You're a handsome mancat, Black, and you did a great job snoopervising. We love your new header ! Purrs

  18. He definitely likes to keep a watch out heheh!

    Have a blacktastic day :-)

  19. dood...ewe iz most handsum ~~~~~ houz pantherz ROCK.....ewe iz doin a grate job keepin an eye on stuffz...N speekin oh awesum...look at ewe smoke & joe...ewe doodz look soooper grate; high paws two ann....!!!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  20. Awesome. I LOVE that last picture! Goats! I miss them, too, but I didn't even know them!!!

    Love and licks,

  21. Black, you look so cute in that pot:) We love your header - Joe and Smoke look very happy to be featured for the holidays.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  22. Such handsomeness!!!

    Love the new header!!

    The Florida Furkids

  23. That pot does look like a perfect place to keep watch!
