Friday, February 20, 2015

Thankful Friday

Hi there everyone, we are back and thawing out slowly. This is Ohs and his Momma, Momma kitty all snuggled up in a box on the day that the ice arrived. Just so you know, Momma kitty never snuggles with anyone. The cats had a really hard time trying to stay warm but we all made it. Ande shook for the three days that we didn't have power. 
 Tip Tail, would someone please turn the darn heat on. We wanted to take pictures of all the poor cats but the camera said it was just too cold. At one point Mom put Ande up on a chair hoping that she would be warmer and Splitters went and sat right on top of her.
We are just very thankful that we made it back. 


Wishing everyone a warm and great Friday.


  1. That sounds like quite an ordeal. We are so sorry you lost your power. And hope that it won't happen again, that is the end of it!!!!

  2. Oh, Marg! I'm so sorry to hear you were without power and heat! :( I'm glad you are all okay. I think about all of the animals when it gets this cold....and I smile knowing that I got one out of the cold and into a warm home. I wish that for all of them.

    I hope you are thawing out, my friend!

  3. How awful for your power to be out for so long. Being cold is so awful. We're so glad the power is back on. Thaw out everyone!

    Warming Purrs,
    The Chans

  4. Am so happy to know things are moving back towards normal; have been very worried about YOU and all the animals ('cept for Joe and Smoke who are used to living in the barn!!!). No idea how you managed w/o heat! Of course, cuddling and snuggling helps. We've missed you here, we love you and are glad to have you back. YOU STAY WARM! Love, A

  5. We were getting worried about you and Mom Paula was ready to take off work and drive up there. So glad the power is back on and you are okay.

  6. We were so worried about all of you! Happy to hear you have your power and heat back! What a horrible couple of days for all of you. (((hugs)))

  7. Three days without power is far too long. Blankets and cosy spots must have been the order of the day(s). Ande was probably glad of Splitters's warming form.

  8. How awful. I hope this doesn't happen again. You all need to be warm. Yes you do. I'm glad you had mom to watch over all of you.

    Have a woof woof and purrfect day. Scritches all around and my very best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  9. Oh my Marg and has been a week to forget for sure!!
    Daaaaaaaaaang cold and such wind chill. We hope and purr everything is working there. Tomorrow should be above freezing barely and Sunday in the 40's
    hugs madi and mom

  10. Have a good weekend, friends!!!!

  11. Ugg awful indeed, but they all know how to keep warm and snuggle with one another. Hopefully all are nice and toasty warm now

  12. That sounds terrible!! We're glad you survived.

  13. What a bad time to lose power! We were thinking about you and glad everything's getting back to normal. Happy WARM and cosy weekend!

  14. We are so very thankful that you all are okay and that the warmth and light has been restored!

  15. We are so relieved you and the critters are OK. We have gone 3 days without power - all the cats were wrapped in fleece throws and we had all our clothes on. Not fun at all. We need to raise money for a generator for you!

  16. OMD...we are so happy you are back and have heat, that must have been horrible!!
    Warm Smileys!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. We are so glad to know that the power came back and everyone is OK.

  18. I'm very happy for you all to have power back after 3 days! Must have been really tough. We lost power, too, but only for half a day, so it wasn't too hard. It's still very cold - please keep warm and safe.

  19. I think you were all VERY brave survivors. Once when our power was out for a few days I had to wear my sweater all day and all night, plus stay under the covers.

    Love and licks,

  20. We are SO thankful that you are all okay, and that the power came back on. Please stay warm, sweet friends, and rest up this weekend ... you have definitely earned it. HUGS.

  21. Crikey how awful I bet your so glad to be back arrrghh! cute pics love that yawn LOL

    Have a warmtastic weekend :-)

  22. We wish they would turn the heat on in our entire state!!! MOL! xoxo

  23. Hope you get nice and warm soon,xx SPeedy

  24. Glad you are warming p-I love your blog with all the cat pictures, have a nice warm weekend ♥

  25. 3 days !!!! Thanks COD you & the crews are safe !
    Sending big warm cuddle & happy purrs to you

  26. Oh noes! That's a long time to be cold! We're glad you have your heat back on and hope every one warms up! Stay safe!

  27. So glad to hear that you have the heat back on and everyone is okay. We've lost power before, but it was in the summer. I can't imagine no heat in this cold. We were -11* F with a wind chill of -18* F. with heat and still felt a little cold with heat on. Hope things hold out and you don't lose the power again.

  28. Wes hopes yous yous guys gets some warms there soon! Wes has been purraying for yous! And wes hopes poor Ande gets warm. Too bad wes could not send one of Bob's old sweaters to her before it gets warm there.
    Wes loves yous all!

  29. There's nothing warmer than furry-kitty-curly love!

  30. I'm glad to hear that you have heat again! This winter has been way too cold for anyone to be without heat. You all look great :)

  31. Good to hear you have heat again as no heat really sucks

  32. That was really rough on all of you! I'm glad the power is back on finally!

  33. guys...glad ta see ya bak N happee all iz well, hope de pump final lee thawed, N hope de ice N crabbeez weatherz haz mewed out ta sea....hee haws ta smoke N joe, meowloz two de crew, woofz ta ande N heerz two a corydoras & cherry salmon kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  34. Being cold for several hours is awful ! We're glad your power is back ! Purrs

  35. I am glad you are all okay and have your power back again. It must have been awful with no heating in such cold temperatures.

  36. Three days is a long time not to have power! That must have been awful! We are so happy you are o.k and that power has been restored. Stay warm and cosy and soak up all that heat now! Hugs to you all.Special kiss and hug to Ande.

    your pals,
    the critters in the cottage xo

  37. Three days without power or heat is a long chilly time. We hope The Person was able to find ways to keep herself warm too. Phantom says he would gladly share his coat with Ande.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  38. OMC! We're so glad you are back and have power again. That was a horrible experience for you all.

  39. Glad you are back. That sounds like an awful ordeal to be without power when it is so cold.

  40. OMC! That must have been dreadful!! Can't imagine no power for three days in such cold! I hope you are ok now xox

  41. OMC, three days with no heat or power? We is glad you all made it through and we hopes it doesn't happen again, every!

    Stay warm efurryone!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  42. so sorry you had to go 3 days with no power. That would be awful. I'm glad you all made it through. Snuggle up and stay warm
