Saturday, January 24, 2015

Meet and greet Saturday

LG (right) greeting Black and asking how he is feeling.
Uh Oh Mom, that Black is giving me a look. Do I need to run for the hills.
LG here, and let us just see whose tail this is floating by me.
Tees says 'HI' LG, I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me.
UPDATE on Ande
Her blood work came back OK, except that her liver enzymes are up. She has to go back in 6 months. I don't know what this means as I haven't talked to the vet. 
Thanks so much for all your good wishes.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday


  1. A meet and greet is a wonderful idea. Looks like you're all enjoying yourselves too.
    Glad to hear Ande's blood work came back OK. Hope the liver enzyme thing isn't anything too troublesome

  2. Ok, play nicey nice now, y'all!

  3. It looks like you have some great sunshine today too and Lucy was so excited to see Tees today. Hope the vet just wants to keep an eye on Ande in case her liver results get more worrying. Have a great day it is so cold here but the sun is making us feel good.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Howdy pals, I hope you keep warm and dry! Purrs to sweet Ande from all of us.

  5. I love kitty meets and greets. The body language is always fun to translate.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. PS Thank you for the update on Ande...hur furs look so shiny so we are hoping the enzyme thing will correct itself
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. A little meet and greet is always fun, as long as no whapping comes due. Hopefully Ande stays well and the liver enzymes don't rise anymore

  8. Meet and greets are so much fun! Purring for Ande that those enzymes don't go higher,

  9. Keep an eye on what those ears are saying!

  10. LG is like the Mayor of Marg Town, checking on everybody. I sure hope the fact that the vet doesn't want to see Ande for 6 months means he (or she) isn't too concerned about the test results.

  11. Awww, it's so good to see all your precious little ones.

    Oh the liver enzymes. We are dealing with that with Little Bit and hers are through the roof.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  12. Aw, poor Ande. It's so hard to get old. I hope she is feeling better soon. We go through this stuff with my Grace. She is so old, but still feeling pretty good as far as we can tell. Hate to see them get old. :(

  13. We love meet and greets here too!! We are keeping Ande in our thoughts!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  14. Okay, pretty good news re: Ande! One of my coworkers has her senior dog on milk thistle for her liver, maybe it's something you can look into for Ande. I know it's safe for dogs and cats too, I'm pretty sure, just don't know the dose.

    Purrs to Ande from the boys!

  15. That looks like a fun meet and greet. We are glad to hear the mostly good news for Ande. I'm sure there must be some medication to help with the liver enzymes.
    Happy Caturday

  16. I'll keep purring for Andy. We are thankful for the pieces of good news that you did get anyway. He's such a sweet dog and gets along with all the kitties so well too. M sends Hugs.

  17. You guys all look so calm with your meet-and-greets!
    Sending purrs to sweet Ande and (((hugs))) to you.

  18. It's nice to have furiends to hang out with. We're purring for Ande.

  19. Meet and greets are so much fun ! We're to hear that most of the news are good for Ande ! Purrs

  20. What cute fotos. As always y'all awe lookin' gawjus. Weez purrayin' fur Ande.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  21. It's nice to have a meet and greet with all your friends. Glad to hear that Ande's blood results were mostly good.

  22. Oh dear! We didn't know Ande was sick :( I am revving up the megapurrs for her x0x0x

  23. I see those purry faces speaking to each other!! I wonder what they said!!
    We are sending good vibes to he does good, and gets better.

  24. I see you kitties do have your spats sometimes! I hope whatever is going on with Ande is nothing serious.

  25. We are purring for sweet Ande. I sure hope you feel all better real soon!

  26. You sure are a sociable girl, LG. I would never give you a look Except a wink and a smile.
    Love, Pip

  27. Good to hear there was nothing serious yet for Ande. You kitties have fun, and play safe!

  28. Sending Snuggles for Ande that its nothing serious,xx Speedy

  29. Cute post :) Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

  30. Ok is better then not ok but hope the liver problems are not serious

  31. well the good thing is she doesn't have to go back for six months so it couldn't be too serious (I don't mean that in a bad way!) xoxo
