Monday, January 26, 2015

Mancat Monday

Hi there, Ohs here and a while back, I was in charge of keeping introoder cats out of our yard.For some reason , I stopped doing that. BUT, today I resumed my duties. Some of us cats don't like the newest cat here, whose name is Spot. He is mainly black with one or two spots. Anyway, he is not very nice to Ande and Ande is our dear friend. So I just showed him who is the boss around here.

He doesn't hurt Ande but just jumps on her when they are running and it scares her. I just told him, I was going to chase him.

Ok Mom, I told him that he better behave when I am around. Don't know if you can see or not, but my tail is all fluffed. I fixed his wagon.
Happy Monday to everyone.


  1. We think you did a great job of getting that evil intruder off your land Ohs - well done and we hope a few extra treats will be coming your way.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. We think you did a great job of getting that evil intruder off your land Ohs - well done and we hope a few extra treats will be coming your way.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. WTG Ohs....Ande is the reigning Queen and no one messes with her. Spot best watch his feisty -tude it is unacceptable
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. Hmmm... We're havin' some trouble over here with that ol' Nosey-Neighbour-Cat. Do you think you could teleport on over and fix HIS wagon, too? I'd appreciate it very much.


  5. Ohs, we DO see your flooded out tail. I hope Spot behaves from now on. We don't want Ande getting upset.

  6. FLOOFED, not flooded! The autocorrecting is sometimes very annoying!

  7. Good job! We hope Spot settles in and behaves better now.

  8. haha great job, show him how to get along or scram

  9. Beware of the fluffed tail you evil Spot! We'll send Laila down to help if you need it, Ohs!

  10. we all need a vacation from our duties now and then but it's nice to hear you are back on the job and looking out for Ande

  11. We are sure glad you are looking out for sweet Ande! Y'all enjoy the warm while it lasts!

  12. Awww, Ohs, it is sweet that you look out for your friend. We hope that Spot will stop scaring poor Ande.

  13. Good for you Ohs. You taught that Spot a lesson but good. No one should pick on Ande.

    I linked you to my Awww Mondays post too.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  14. Good thing you are around to keep the peace - they should get you a sheriff's badge :)
    Dip and Elliot x

  15. Good for you, Ohs. I'm sure Spot is welcome, but he needs to respect everyone, especially Ande.

  16. Ohs that is so brave of you to keep all the introoders away especially if they are not nice to Ande.

  17. I think you have a very busy day making sure everyone gets along in your world. I hope there is no grumbling today.

  18. That's very nice of you to make sure Spot doesn't scare Ande! Great job Ohs!

  19. That's nice of you to help Ande. Poor Spot, he's probably trying to find his place. Do people drop kitties off at your house because they know Marg is so good to animals?

  20. I see your floofed tail. Good work protecting Ande.

  21. dood...good werk on keepin yur proper tee safe...purrhaps spot will lurn hiz lesson & come bak & bee nice...we hope him haz his own home N he wuz just out fora wee stroll ♥♥♥♥

  22. Ohs, your floofy tail shows you're in charge, all right!

  23. Your puffy tail tells us you did a great job to keep the peace around ! Purrs

  24. Uh oh. I hope that bully learned his lesson! Poor Ande. :(

  25. Well Honey, I hope Ande is OK and I hope Spot will have learned his lesson. I am sorry that had to happen.

  26. You are a most excellent watch cat, Ohs. Good job!

  27. good job Ohs!!! Geeze, sometimes these new folks have to be put in their place! I bet Ande is so grateful to have you around! xoxo

  28. Great work defending your friend.

  29. Ok I can just picture you putting your paw down and showing whose boss
