Monday, November 17, 2014

Mancat Monday

Here are two lazy mancats. Lucky on the left and Tip Tail on the right trying his best to push him off but he distinctly said, 'no way'.
Boyzo, here and it is hard to tell but this is our patch of nip and the Mom has let it dry out, not on purpose but then decided we might like it better dried out. We were interested in it today.
Ohs here, and just look at the HUGE bucket of water. Our pump is not behaving so our friend down the road brought us some buckets of water in case of emergency. And it makes darn good drinking water too.
Happy Monday to all.


  1. Lovely guys!
    Have a nice week and a delicious MOnday!

  2. What a wonderful Mancat Monday - hope your pump starts working again soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Catnip is always nice. :) We are glad a friend brought you some water. It's important for everyone to stay hydrated.

    Carmine and Milita

  4. You are so lucky to have friends like that, boys. And you're handsome too...just sayin'

  5. Don't fall in the bucket haha hopefully the pump stops acting up soon

  6. Oh Boyzo! What a nice long drink you can have. Don't fall in there, though! :)

    Have a great Monday!

  7. Y'all are looking mighty fine! We sure hope the water situation gets resolve soon. Keep warm everyone!

  8. We hope your pump is fixed soon; it was nice of your friend to bring buckets of water.

    We think that's an awesome catnip patch, btw!

  9. Nothing cuter than lazy mancats! Enjoy those buckets of water!

  10. Oh no we hope your pumps gets fixed soon. We love mancat Mondays
    Hugs madi your bfff and Mom

  11. that is some handsome mancat-ness. we hope you pump works soon - stay warm!!

  12. Awww, they are all so handsome. Mancats are handsome too.

    Have a purrfect day. My very best to your wonderful mom. :)

  13. MOL! We thought you just had a rough night Ohs so we're glad it's water in that bucket!

  14. I always keep a big jug of water in case of emergencies. You never know.

  15. I think dried nip brings more scent :-)
    That's a huge bucket, Ohs. It's great you've got water in case of emergency. I hope the pump will behave nicely.

  16. Such handsome mancats!
    We always seem to go for the dried STEMS of catnip as the most attractive.

  17. seeing all of your handsome mancats made our Monday!

  18. Happy Monday boys! Looks like you are all up to some interesting stuff over there.

  19. Great photos of all 3 handsome mancats!...Happy week ahead, dear friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  20. My human is such a city girl that the whole idea of pumps and buckets of water is mysterious and kind of scary to her! Although if this drought goes on for much longer, who knows what is going to happen here?

  21. Wow, dried catnip AND giant water buckets? Can we come and visit? :)

    Hugs to you all, dear pals.

  22. Hello handsome mancats. I remember having a pump and water problems. No fun

  23. It's no fun to have no water. Some good friends you have :)

  24. doodz.....dried nip iz way better N fresh leef coz at sum point fresh leef nip driez out any way sew may az well eat it dried N save a step huh !!! ♥♥♥

  25. Marg's cats all look very happy today! Hope the pump problems are solved.

  26. Water always tastes better from a bucket! Hope the pump is soon behaving itself again.

  27. Pre-dried catnip. Looks like you guys have the life!

  28. such cutie pies! Thanks for all you do for them!

  29. Oh, I love an Orange Stripey!!! Look how beautiful he is!

    I hope the pump gets fixed soon. :(

  30. All you mancats need to get together and help get that pump fixed!!! Nice to have such a kind neighbor:)

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  31. Hi you handsome mancats!

    We hopes your pump is working better soon. Enjoy the catnip!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  32. We hope your pump is fixed soon ! Don't fall in the bucket ! Purrs

  33. Hope that pump will start behaving soon! We are glad your friends are helping out :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  34. Looking good efurrybuddy. Big buckets of water for your drinking pleasure. Yippee! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  35. OMC now dat's a water bucket. And yous look so cute gettin' a dwink, fur sure. :) All of yous awe just da mostest handsum mancats wound.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi
