Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mish Mash Saturday

Again, thanks to everyone for the wonderful purrs for Mew Mew.
Hi there Queen Momma here and I was trying to hide from the world and wouldn't you know that lady with the camera would find me.
Hi there, Spitters here, and I too thought I was pretty well hidden .
Queen Momma kitty here having a nice drink from our Cat water dish.
Wishing everyone a super Saturday.


  1. The green grass shows off your lovely furs Splitters. Enjoy your fresh water drink Momma Kitty from your special cat dish.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. You all sure look great out in your wilderness and that water bowl sure is cool. Have a fun, fun day everyone!

  3. Darlings, how is your fur sib, Mew Mew? xxooox And by the way, those shots of all of you, especially Queen Mama were outstanding.

  4. lol Momma didn't seem happy her spot was found.

  5. Mew Mew we are so glad you are feeling better. AND mom loves your kitty water bowl.
    Hugs mad your bfff

  6. You two look look beautiful in the green grass.

  7. Pawparazzi always find you no matter how good you hide! The first picture is very cool!
    I'm sorry Mew Mew has been so sick, but glad she is doing better :-)

  8. We love the bowl too! Have a great weekend. Purrs to you all.

  9. We are staying home this weekend and the sun is shining and the world is beautiful.

    Have a purrfect Mish Mash Saturday. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  10. Lots of very cool places to hide there! Have a fun weekend!

  11. You can't hide from the camera - I learned that pretty fast!

  12. Great hidey places and what a pawsome kitty bowl! We hopes you all have a fantastic weekend!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  13. I LOVE that photo of you Momma! Gorgeous!

  14. You all should know by now that you can't hide from the camera. I am keeping purring for Mew Mew.

  15. No hiding allowed!!! We want to see all your beautiful faces:)

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. You both hid so well. How did she find you?

  17. It's hard to hide from Moms.
    They have, like, a cat radar or something :/
    In spite of it all, have a good weekend :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
    PeeEss: Purrs that MewMew keeps getting better :)

  18. What gorgeous pics of you all. Sending our biggest purrs and prayers to Mew Mew, we are so glad to hear that Mew Mew is doing better and the antibiotics are working.

  19. sorry we are late, lots of craziness going on here xoxo

  20. Yep those hoomans awe vewy clever awen't they? They can find us no mattew where weez hide.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  21. Sorry we haven't been by in a while. We read that Mew Mew is ailing, and we wanted to make sure we came by and let y'all know that MewMew is in our purrs and prayers. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  22. They did appear to be trying to hide but you spotted them anyway and boy was it fun.
