Saturday, October 25, 2014

Halloween is coming.

Hi there all, LG here with my pretty necklace on and just look at my darn brother trying to take it away. Wait till you see him wearing it.
Tip Tail here and I am a much better model of this fancy Halloween necklace. I am going to get this thing off of my body. Stay tuned for some more of my actions.
Two Two here wearing my Hat around my neck. Did she really think I would wear it on top of my head??? Do you like my green curls??
Everyone have a most wonderful week end.


  1. Well all of you look terrific and it is nice you are practicing for Halloween. I think you will get lots of treats!

  2. You look lovely with your pretty necklace on LG.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. What a great hat and the curls .... awesome.

  4. What fun halloween stuffs! You all are very fashionable. Do kids come trick or treating at your house?

  5. You are gorjuss with your necklace. ALL of you are. So I hope you will share sweetly? xxooox

  6. Most awesome costumes! We are very lucky Mom Peggy has been too busy to dress us up.

  7. You three are dressed to the nines!
    I had an email from puddle d. Rainwater...she will be blogging again starting Wednesday! I replied to her wih glee and I attached the Doxie caryoon
    Madi your bfff

  8. I see your comment in mijn emailbox but not in mine blog so i can not place it ... sorry .and about halloween .here in Holland is not so much like by you .but we like it ...

  9. lol we try everything to get them off quick. At least you let a few pics come due

  10. Oh no. I don't think kitties need Halloween costumes. Nor do I think grown adults should wear them either. It's just wrong. I hope Marg forgets where she put the costumes so you kitties don't have to get dressed up! ;)

  11. Awwww, I'd give all of you some treats. Yes I would.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  12. I think that hat and necklace would be LOTS of fun to chew on!

  13. Y'all look good in your Halloween outfits.

  14. You three are awesome models! So glad Mew Mew is all better and sending purrs to Girl Kitty...have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  15. Wow, you have terrific costumes ! We hope you get extra treats for wearing it ! Purrs

  16. You all look cute getting ready for Halloween.

  17. It sounds like your Person's efforts at Halloween costumes are not proving too successful so far!

    Have a great weekend!

    The Chans

  18. Too funny. We have that same Witch hat and our cats hate it when I try to put it on them.

  19. Too funny. We have that same Witch hat and our cats hate it when I try to put it on them.

  20. You three are all so cute. Love your costumes. I must say you are all very patient to wear those things.

  21. Aaaaaw Yous all look adowable. And yep luv da gween curls.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  22. Some of those silly gizmos are in our future too - we do like that hat a lot.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  23. You all look very cute dressing up for Halloween!
    Two Two, I love your style. Wearing hat around neck is totally cool :-)

  24. Well, you three did better than we would do if we had to wear that stuff.

  25. You all did a great job modeling your Halloween gear!

  26. Oh we think your Person is going to get some revenge worked on her tonight...

  27. You kitties look MARVELOUS in your Halloween gear! :)

  28. You look like a little Pierrot..or was it a pumpkin...whatever we love it, and that hat too :D Pawkisses for an Easy Sunday :)

  29. You look stunning in your Halloween necklace. 15andmeowing

  30. Love the way you wear your hat! Curls suit you

  31. oh my you both look adorable! Love that witch's hat! xoxo

  32. You all look precious. And you are so brave and such good sports to wear any type of costumes. We are only going to wear virtual ones. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
