Friday, October 3, 2014

Feral Cat Friday

Hi there, Momma Kitty here better known as the Queen Mother.Since I was gone for three weeks, and am now back and I still go off for a day or two. BUT of all things I have started to let the Mom touch me. She even stroked me the other day and it wasn't bad at all. This has all taken five years but for the Peep Mom, it is so rewarding. As long as she is sitting down, I might even get used to this.

Here I am sort of hiding in the tall grass but I think they can all see me.
Everyone try to have a fantastic Friday. 


  1. That is very brave of you to let the mom stroke you. Trust me, i know how scary that can be for a feral kitty. As far as peeps go, your the mom is one of the did good!
    Your furend, Pip

  2. Oh Mama Kitty! That is wonderful news! I bet you missed your human when you went on your mystery journey!! xoxo

  3. Hi there Queen Mother !
    Glad you are not out on tour for weeks any moore and glad you let the Mom tuch you :)


  4. How brave you are letting Marg touch you Momma Kitty it makes us think you missed her when you went walkies.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Momma Kitty, we think you should let the human pet you more. You'll really like it.

  6. That is so wonderful Momma Kitty and we hope you start liking it more and more! Have fun and keep dry today!

  7. 5 years is a long time, but glad you came around and hopefully start liking it more.

  8. TK is right...Pip and TK are right, you are the best.

  9. That is wonderful! Now you can feel the sweetness of a human's touch! :) So maybe you can hang around more too! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  10. How wonderful that you are home and that your peep mom can touch you. Five years is a very long time for her to wait.

    Have a purrfect Feral Cat and Feline Friday. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  11. Allowing the Mom to pet you is not only brave but a good idea. You'll get to like it, all right.

  12. Happy Happy Feral Friday to you all and your loving person.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. Oh Yeah dat's wunnewful news. Meez gotta tell ya' da sooner yous get used to it da mowe you gunna luv da pettin' and luvvin'. Me wuldn't wanna go a day wiffout a fousand gabillion pets and hugs and kisses. :)

    Luv ya'


  14. Hi Queen Mother. You let your human mom touch and stroke you. I know that means world to her!
    Happy Friday and have a lovely weekend!

  15. MOmma kitty that is such great news!

  16. I think humans are awesome, Momma Kitty! And it's nice to be touched by them - you should do it more often!

  17. That's so exciting Momma Kitty! We bet your mom was so happy you let her pet you! Yay!

  18. Aww! how cute and it will get better ;-)

  19. Way to go momma kitty. As a "mom" to a feral kitty myself I understand how exciting it is for your mom to actually be able to touch you. I'm still working on it with my feral kitty.

  20. You're so brave to let Marg touch you ! Wonderful news ! Purrs

  21. momma kitty !!! we think thiz be de BEST mews...N a heads up..marg iz one total lee rockin kewl purrson, so ewe can trust her ta bee nice & bee good two ewe....ask smoke & joe...they will tell ya !!

    oh, N we could knot see ewe at ALL in de grazz ;)

    a most happee week oh end…may it bee filled with ocean perch ♥

  22. You are being very brave to let Marg touch you. Maybe you can get braver and braver. It will make Marg very happy.

  23. Dear Queen Mother, please don't go off wandering and worrying all of us. Just enjoy those sweet pats from The Person - bet they really do make you feel very special.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  24. Oh Momma Kitty that is the best news we've heard today. I bet your momma was just estatic and so happy she probably danced the jig!

  25. Woowzers! Weeks! Wes gets worried when Jo Jo won't comes in at night!

  26. Momma Kitty, we are so glad you are back and that you are letting Marg pet you, that is awesome! Have a great weekend everyone and please pass a howdy to Joe and Smoke!

  27. Momma Kitty that is wonderful that you are discovering how nice it can be to let the human mom stroke you. And yes, I can see you just a wee bit so you may want to find a better hiding place :)

  28. awww sweet kitty. It has taken us 4 years to get Lucy to become a lap cat/ Patience does have it's rewards!

  29. The little one does seem to love her own world, but is slowly learning that there are other nice worlds too.

  30. So excited that you are getting brave! Marg is so very special, you will learn to love her like we all have :)
