Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thankful Thursday

We are very thankful for our Black Kitties. This is BG, Black Girl, just lounging in the tall weeds. All three black kitties that live here have great personalities and are very nice cats.
This is just plain Black. Please notice his white whisker on his left side. I am such a good boy and I love to snuggle with the Mom. 
Hi there Spot here and I do have a spot under by chin. I am a very nice black cat too. 

There is a wonderful thing going on to help orphan animals find homes. You can go Light a candle. for all the orphan animals.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thursday.


  1. What lovely black kitties - we love Black's white whisker - so cute. We have visited to light a candle but it wouldn't do it for us as we had to name a state and because we hadn't got one (we even tried our county) it wouldn't let us!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. My uncle had a wonderful house panther for 18 years...I never met her but mom said she was the best!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. We love black kitties too and you look so wo nderful! Have a super day everyone!

  4. We are definitely pro black kitties, especially those with a tux :) xx

  5. Your black kitties are all beautiful. We are going to have Mom light a candle from us too.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Black cats are surely the best because black pigs are too!

  7. All sure can pose as well. Black cats are great indeed

  8. Thank you sweet black kitties. I am grateful you have such a good home. xoxoxo

  9. Mom Marg is so very lucky to be owned by three gorgeous black kitties! Our mom misses her black kitty.

  10. Awww, all three of you are adorable and then some. Yes indeed.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  11. They are both so very cute. M says she had one black cat, and then of course me - black and white. Both were/are very very nice kitties.

  12. we love us some black/tuxedo kitties and that they are doing so well!!

  13. we are thankful for black kitties and all kitties too! xxoxoxo

  14. We know black kitties have a harder time getting adopted but for the life of us we can't understand why. Your kitties show how gorgeous panthers truly are.

  15. You are all very beautiful black kitties! The kitty before us was a long haired black kitty named Panther so we love black kitties!

  16. We will light a candle too. Someone dumped off 3 kitties,, along our road,, its very sad,, I will light candles for them too.
    4 other kitties live here- that were dumped,

  17. meowloz BG, black & spot...good two see everee one up front & center....we hope everee one iz havin an awesum day, heerz ta good weatherz, good chow & lotz oh time chillaxin with mom ♥♥♥

  18. Black is beautiful especially you three :) Pawkisses for all the cats on the world :)

  19. I LOVE black kitties!! ALL of them. :)

  20. We have known some black kitties and they were all very nice. Hooray for black kitties!

  21. Beautiful black kitties! A black cat is the reason I am where I am today.

  22. I miss my black kitties. Especially my Bart

  23. well I certainly love black cats, especially when they are as cute as you

  24. Well it's easy to see how charming all three of you are! We love black kitties over here too... Have a nice day sweeties!

    the critters in the cottage xo

    P.S. We lit a candle too :)

  25. Such a stunning collection of black cats!

  26. You all are gorgeous black kitties. We think black cats are the best...well, at least Ernie thinks that. :)

  27. Oh your black kitties are lovely. The one called, "Black" has such a shiny coat.

  28. Yous awe sum pawsum black cats. Yous look gawjus.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  29. PepiSmartDog: wonderful indeed to help orphan animals find new forever families who will love them.
    Love the new look of your site too!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop again. Always enjoy reading your post each week and getting to know you a bit more through each one.
    Hope to see you again next week. *waves paw* :=o)
