Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tabby Tux Tuesday

Hi there, Mew Mew here and I am one of those Tabby Tuxes. I just love showing off my belly.
I am a big talker, always have been ever since I arrived here. The first time I came across the yard, I just Mewed my little head off. I love having conversations with my Mom. 
Everyone be sure to enjoy your Tuesday.


  1. Da Beebs says he agrees with you, Mew Mew He's a great talker too!

    The Chans

  2. I bet you and the person have some very interesting conversations 'cause she is a cat whisperer!
    Hugs madi your bff

  3. We bet your conversations are quite interesting!

  4. We love your tummy Mew Mew. Do you do all the talking or do you let Marg get the odd word in too?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Talking is lots of fun, making the humans looking crazy as they talk back lol

  6. I happen to know your mommy loves you very much.

  7. Looking beautiful, Mewie. I just know your mom likes chatting with you.

  8. We know Mom loves it when you talk to her Mew Mew! Y'all enjoy the beautiful day today!

  9. I would love to rub that belly.

  10. You do have one fine belly! Talking is pretty good as long as you listen every once in a great while :-)

  11. Mew Mew, our mommy would love to have a conversation with you! She talks to us all the time and gets all giddy when we answer. She's weird.

  12. I guess you just have a lot to say

  13. Well, when you are this good looking then you have lots to say. Good for you.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  14. Oh, Mew Mew, the conversations we could share! I'm a big talker too.


  15. Well Mew Mew now we understand your name! Have a great day!

  16. I love talkative kitties! Jenna gets rather chatty around bedtime if I'm not moving fast enough ;D

  17. Mew Mew, we are sending you some Woo Woos. And Mom is trying to rub your tummy tum tum:)

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  18. Hi there, Mew Mew. You're our most favorite kind of tuxie tabby ... one that talks lots! :)

  19. mew mew...if yur mom ever gets tired oh talkin with ewe coz her wants ta drink sum coffee ore sum thin, call dai$y, her can talk til smoke N joe come home which wont bee for like manee manee dayz yet coz they bee on de cam pain trail til like 2016 !!!!

  20. I am a great talker too Mew Mew. Maybe we should get together for a chin wag.

  21. and I know your mom loves those conversations too Mew Mew. It was wonderful to see you today

  22. We love having conversations with the humans, too! Especially if you can get them talking about FOOD.

  23. We would love to lay in the grass too.

  24. We bets your mom bean lubs to hear you talk to her. Enjoy your conversations, MOL!

    Sasha. Sami, & Saku

  25. Mauricio is our talker. He never shuts-up. Is it 'cause he is a tuxie? Maybe the two of you could have a conversation sometime. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
