Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tabby Tux Tuesday

Hi there, LG here and my friend Pip, and I are introducing a new color to the cat world. It would be a Tabby Tux. You see I am part Tabby which means I have stripes plus big white markings too. Most Tuxedos are either black and white definite colors and Tabbys are mainly striped. 

Hi there,Pip here, and I am the one that wants to invent this new color. Both LG and I have a lot of stripes and swirls but also a lot of white on us.Hi there LG, so good to see you.
Hi there, Tip Tail here and I am LG's brother. As you can see I am a Tuxedo since I don't have the stripes and Swirls like Pip and LG. I am gray and white and not black and white but I believe they still call me a tuxedo.
That nice kitty, Dezi and her Mom gave us the very nice award. We are just thrilled. If you haven't visited their blog, do take a look. Dezi's blog.  The two kitties are terrific therapy cats and take such good care of their Mom.
Everyone enjoy your Tuesday


  1. I think the Tabby Tux is a wonderful idea!!! Congrats of the award too, y'all are super cats!!! Have fun and keep cool.

  2. You both are excellent examples of Tabby Tuxies! Congrats on your award, too.

  3. Concats to Pip and LG for being the first Tabby Tuxies. Congrats on your award.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. We thinks you should invent the new color :) Our mom has seen gray and white tuxedo cats, and hers thinks they are really cute!

    Congrats on your well-deserved award!

  5. Whatever colours you call yourselves, you're all gorgeous! :-)

    Concats on the award; have a great Tuesday.

  6. Yay for the well deserved reward, Auntie.
    It will be nice to have a name for our coats. LG is so beautiful, she deserves a coat class.
    Your nephew, Pip

  7. Tabby Tux sounds perfect to us, great posing too!

  8. Well I, Madi, would just call you
    H A N D S O M E!!

  9. You are all adorable in my book, but I've very partial to cats and kitties. Very partial.

    Have a purrfect day. My very best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  10. Tim and Tom would like in on that...they got those brown stripes but a lot of white too :)

  11. You are gorgeous...and I love your new color! I love YOU.

  12. Tabbies are great, Tuxies are great.....Tabby Tuxies are twice as great!!

    The Florida Furkids

  13. Tabbies are great, Tuxies are great.....Tabby Tuxies are twice as great!!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. Tabbies are great, Tuxies are great.....Tabby Tuxies are twice as great!!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. I think that is a fabulous idea and we support it very much! Thank you for helping celebrate Pia and Dexter love anniversary today! Purrs...

  16. Great idea to start a new kind of cat.

    Cats of wildcat woods

  17. We think Tabby Tuxies are such a great idea! :)

  18. I'm surprised Tabby Tux isn't already a "thing!" 'Cause I know lots of kitties with that pattern. Spread the word far and wide!

  19. Wow! Nice award and great photos!

  20. Tabby Tux or Tuxie Tabby - makes no difference - you are all still gorgeous!!!

    Happy TT Day.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. Concatulations on your award ! Purrs

  22. There's lot of types of Tabbies and Tuxies but all types are purrfect! Happy Tortie Tuesday! :)

  23. guys...we think thiz bee a grate eye dea everee one came up with; frank lee smoke N joe could due de same thing N bee called;

    joe smokin ore smokin joe;

    tho we dont recommend joe take up smokin coz its knot a good thing troo lee for him or smoke...ta smoke

  24. Tabby Tux is purrfectly acceptable!! Very handsome!

  25. Weez not cawe ifin yous called tabby or tuxie or what, weez just fink yous all gweat. And Concats on all da awards we gave yous, cuz yous deserve them all.

    P.S. weez be Service Cats and not Therapy cats. :)

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  26. Tabby Tux is a good look and I think all three of you are absolutely wonderful

  27. We like that Tabby Tuxie idea even though none of us fit the category. Mom and Dad's very first kitty would have. Concats on your very well-deserved award. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
