Friday, August 29, 2014

Feral Cat Friday

Girl Kitty here and I just wanted everyone to know that I am all better and don't plan on getting sick again. That was not any fun at all. The Mom is giving all of us (if you can imagine) Lysine and it seems to make us feel better. So I am back to being a little bit feisty and feral again.
So I am just enjoying life at the moment. I am back to some of my feral ways which is all right with the Mom.
Please everyone remember to to visit Sparkle's memorial today, Sparkle's Memorial
Everyone enjoy your Friday.


  1. We are so glad to see you today Girl Kitty - we were getting rather worried as we hadn't seen any of you today but you were worth waiting for.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Hi Girl Kitty !
    Glad you are feeling better and getting back to your normal self !


  3. Glad you are well, no more germs allowed.

  4. That is such good news Girl Kitty and that makes us smile! Y'all try to keep cool today!

  5. Girl Kitty, that's great news. We hope you continue to feel well.

  6. It's good to feel good again, eh, Girl Kitty? And I'm sure your person is as relieved as you are.

  7. YAYAYAYAYAYAY we are glad everyone is well. Your person is very wise.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. So glad to hear this. Hope you all stay well for a long time.

  9. Glad you are feeling better now no more worrying your mum, you stay well. Xx

  10. Well your looking well and that's a fab pose heheh!

    Have a posetastic weekend ;-)

  11. I'm happy that you're back to your feisty self. We all worry about you. It's our job.

    Have a purrfect Feral Cat Friday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  12. Yay! We're so glad to hear you're doing well, Girl Kitty! :)

  13. We sure can tell you are all well, Girl Kitty. Don't ever lose that little bit of feral you have.

  14. What a very gorgeous kitty!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. Oh you precious little girl! You are all well and I am so happy for you. You are a beautiful girl.

  16. Glad to hear you're feeling better, Girl Kitty!

  17. Girl Kitty we are so glad you are feeling better and having a good start to a long Holiday weekend.

  18. Oh we're so glad you're feeling better!!

  19. We're glad you feel better Girl Kitty ! Purrs

  20. what a nice mom you have! Scritches to you and all the cats!

  21. wow that cat is beautiful and very adorable. I really love cats, they are soft and clean compared to the dogs.


  22. I am so glad you are better, Girl Kitty! Thanks for mentioning the memorial and commenthon for Sparkle - it is so awesome to see everyone pitching in!

  23. girl kitty....we iz mega happee yur bak ta bein & feelin grate...N nothin wrong with a feral feisteenezz everee now & then...but enjoy yur time inn side while ya can....matter oh fax, tell everee one ta enjoy sum time inn side ta nite with a garfield mewvie ore two !!

    heerz ta a safe happee long week oh end…may de bass bee bountee full in yur bowl ♥

  24. Awww sweetie, you are so cute in both of those pictures. We're so happy you are feeling so much better.

  25. We are all glad you are feeling better Girl Kitty - would you like to come help out with our mole problem???

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  26. Girl Kitty your mom treats you well. I'm glad you're feeling better.

  27. So glad you are doing better Girl Kitty! Luvs to you all!
    Marty and Mom

  28. Good to hear that you are feeling better! I hope that virus is gone for good now.

  29. We are so happy you are back to your old self! So, your person gives ALL of you lysine? How does she manage THAT?

  30. The single most important thing, Girl Kitty, is for you to be feeling well again.

    The Chans

  31. We are happy to hear this news :)
    Now, enjoy your day.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  32. thank goodness you are all better Girl Kitty!! Your human takes wonderful care of you!

  33. What a lovely cat you are. Glad you are feeling better. Deb

  34. so glad to hear you are all better. Hopefully we'll be able to say that about Duke pretty soon

  35. Girl Kitty, we are so happy to hear you are feeling better that is great news!
