Sunday, August 10, 2014

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, Spitters here and my very favorite place is up on the roof. No one bothers me up here and I can get my easy going.
If I can just get my eyes open, I can check everything and make sure everyone is behaving.
Sometimes I do like to be a pot kitty. These pots are really comfy.
Be sure to enjoy your Sunday.


  1. Hey Spitters!! Looks like the sun shines on you ok!! We've got a storm here at the moment!!!!

  2. Y'all keep your paws dry today, more rain coming, or so we hear. We had 6 inches of rain here and quite a few rescues and evacuations last night. We are okay here though.

  3. Oh Spitters you are adorable! I hope your easy is full of sunpuddles..but I hear you all have storms so you may need to tip that pot upside down...or maybe get an oar and head to sea with an owl :)hugs Fozziemum xx

  4. Spitters, that roof is one out-of-the-way place! Enjoy your easy!

  5. So many great places to get your Easy on there! Mom immediately thought of that song from way back in the early 60's by the Drifters "Up on the Roof".

  6. Seems you can get your easy on just about anywhere. Happy easy Sunday.

  7. Splitters what great photos. I guess you are the real Cat on a hot tin roof. MOL MOL MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Two great places for naps.... Enjoy..

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  9. We know how you feel Splitters we go up on our roof too so we can't hear Mum calling us!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. Can get a nice tan up there too, and lots of room to stretch

  11. There are no cats anywhere that can do Easy Like Sunday like you all can. Excellent.

    Have a purrfect Easy Like Sunday. My best to your wonderful person. :)

  12. What a great series of photos!! Enjoy your Sunday all! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  13. Spitters, it looks like you've got ALL the best easy spots scoped out. Stay dry ... we hear it's been kind of wet where you live.


  14. The roof is a great place to nap, and to patrol too ! Purrs

  15. Be careful up there, Spitters! One wrong move....

  16. It looks like you're pretty good at finding great places to relax, Spitters!

    The Chans

  17. Spitters you get a nice sun tan up there too!

  18. We love that 2nd photo of you, Spitters. You must be really happy on the roof because you are smiling!

  19. Wowwzers! Yous guys really knows how to do a great easy! Yous asked about Mommy and painting, she is so far behind. She owes a Tonk's Tale 3 pictures (of which she only has 1 and 1/2 done) for over a year and a half!!
    Nellie Bellie

  20. Hi Spitters - we think it might be safer in that pot than up on the wall. Your photos up there remind us of Angel Ginger Jasper who liked to go up high too.

    Happy Easy Sunday!

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. Spitters, you look like you are really enjoying your Sunday!

  22. The roof looks like an awesome place to take it easy and soak up some sun. That pot looks pretty comfy too

  23. You look very comfy whether you are on the roof or in the pot.

  24. Looks like ya got some great nap spots!

  25. Spittes, enjoy your fun place. We wanted to say we loved seeing Little Bit on our calendar on Thursday too.

    The Florida Furkids

  26. I always get a chuckle when I see you in a pot. You look sooo cozy! Have a great Monday (this didn't come til Monday) xoxo

  27. Leave it to a kitty to find the most comfy places for naps. You look so adorable and pleased with yourself in all your photos. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  28. Lookin' good Spitters. Hav a pawsum week.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  29. Pot Spitters are the best..MOL ...Love the pictures :) Pawkisses :)
