Saturday, February 8, 2014

Silly Saturday

Hi there, Tippy Tail here and our good friend and God Child Whisppy sent us some really nice vine all the way from Malaysia. And the Person put some on this old tree and Wow did I have a good time.
I am getting just a little woozy now.But that was such fun.
So now it is time for a nice long nap. 
We sure are hoping that all of you have a super nice day.


  1. Wow you are lucky having some of that wonderful vine to sniff. Just watch out you don't fall off that tree.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. You sure did have a vine old time! Have fun today everyone and don't forget to nap!

  3. You look like you're enjoying that vine!

  4. Whisppy's pawrents are the finest, aren't they? xxooxx

  5. Sounds like your weekend is off to a great start! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  6. Silly Saturday and Silly Sunday. We have a great weekend indeed. Being silly rocks.

    Have a purrfect Silly Saturday. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  7. Tippy Tail you sure have the sweetest face! Enjoy your vine high and nap sweetie! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  8. Hope you have a great day too.
    :-) x x x

  9. What absolutely lovely pictures!!
    Give your person a hug from us
    Madi and mom

  10. That's the best way to spend Saturday, good play followed by a good nap.
    Dip and Elliot x

  11. Ah! Vine and Snooze! Now THAT is the bestest Saturday EVER!!!

  12. We're so happy to see you enjoy the vine, Tippy Tail! We think you're going to have a very nice snoozy time after all that vine! ;)

  13. Ooh, you got the GOOD stuff!

    You are SO adorable, we just love your markings. :-)

  14. Tippy Tail I bet you are feelin a little bit tippy!!! Happy Caturday!

  15. a bit of a nap is a perfect way to relax after a bit of vine :)

  16. Don't over due it with the vine, Tippy Tail! That's stuffs really potent. Sleep it off so you can start all over again. :)

  17. Imported vine. How lucky you are you cutie pie!

  18. Tippy Tail, are you already working on your moves for the Summer Olympics - be careful on that tree, we don't want you to fall off.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. A little vine plus some nice relaxing ... you kitties are having the best kind of day! :)

    Happy Saturday, sweet ones!

  20. Oh Tippy Tail, you are SO cute! That vine must be really good! Pass a big hi to Joe for us!

    Uncle Cloon

  21. Probably best that high grade vine isn't imbibed above floor level!! MOL

  22. When an animal is suffering from a painful, incurable disease or condition, it may be necessary to put it to sleep. This Site is called euthanasia and is designed to cause minimal pain and distress
