Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday Sun Day

Hi there, Black here having my snack out here in the the nice sun shine. We finally are having a nice day here.

Sure hope this sunshine melts all this darn white stuff. We are all so ready for Spring and some warm temperatures. 
We are wishing all of you a nice warm and sunny day.


  1. It's nice to see you enjoying the sunshine Black and we hope that snow melts quickly. It was sunny here this morning but it is getting very windy again now and the sun is gone. Rain is forecast this afternoon which we need like a hole in the head! It's a whole 1C today so it is cold yet again. Purrs to Marg.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. What a beautiful sunny day ! Enjoy it, we hope that the sun will make the snow melt. Purrs

  3. Black you beautiful good to see you. Our white stuff will probably be gone the rest of the way, today.

  4. Jealous of your SUN. It's snowing here again n COLD. Enjoy your day and Happy Weekend. Golden Woofs

  5. YES! Let's bring on the warm stuff and send the cold packing! Have a fun day everyone!

  6. Most of California is wishing for rain. Lots of rain.

    Enjoy the sunshine.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  7. It's cold here too in Vancouver! Brrrrrr. But as long as the sun is out...we are still happy with the cold! Enjoy your sun Black :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  8. A nice sunshiny day! We hope it warms up your furs, Black and melt away those cold white stuff. :)

    We wish we could send you some of our HOTS. It's been so hot we actually avoid the sun puddles.

  9. That's nice that you get to eat up out of the snow! You're very cute!

  10. I hope that snow does not have any plans on sticking around!

  11. How great you are having nice Sun Day! We are having warm nice day, too :-)
    Happy weekend xoxo

  12. We've had little time to blog hop but wanted to stop by and thank-you for you kind words of condolence. It's almost balmy today and hubby spotted a stray black cat he's hoping to catch ;-0 Purrs to all.

  13. Oh dear, isn't that white stuff cold on your paws? brrrrr! I wish ours would melt too, but M says it's going to be a long, long time.

  14. Hey sweet friends!!!
    We had sun earlier and it melted lots of our ground dandruff now it is cloudy and rain moving in should get rid of what remains.
    hugs madi your bfff

  15. Your blue sky looks lovely. I have forgotten what it looks like. I hope your snow soon melts.

  16. oh you are so lucky to have that sunshine. We had a little bit of rain and gray skies all day

  17. That sunshine sure looks good. We had more snow and rain all day. Bleh.

  18. Doesn't Mother Nature know that the south is not built for snow? We had another 4-5 inches of the icky stuff and more to come Tuesday. Think it's 55 inches for us so far...

  19. Enjoy your snack Black. Hope you get some much needed sunshine soon!
    Dip and Elliot x

  20. Yep! Everyone sure needs the sun .... well, in the northern hemisphere anyway! xx

  21. not as ready as those of us who live up North are lol

  22. That sunshine must feel amazing. We hope the warmer weather stays put!

  23. Hi, sweet Black! We are happy for you that you had some nice sunshine to enjoy. We hope it melted some of the snow for you. We have not had any snow but it has been cold and like you all we are ready for spring and warmer weather. Have a wonderful week. Hugs and nose kisses

  24. Wish we could get some of that sunshine!
