Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Hi there, LG here and I am thankful for this bucket being in our back hall. We had to go without water in the house for over a week, so a neighbor brought  us some nice water to drink and also flush those silly potties that the Person uses.
This makes such a good spot to sit. That brother of mine can't attack me in here. Then we are thankful that some other friends came and fixed the water. They had to disconnect the barn electric but that is all right. The donkeys don't mind a bit.
Hope I don't look too silly sitting here.

Hope all are staying warm and toasty in this horrible cold weather.


  1. You look very cute! I'm glad you got your water back. Stay warm!

  2. We're sure glad you got your water back, LG. And we're glad the bucket got left for you. :)

  3. We're glad you have your water supply back again LG so you can all have a good drink. We hope you will be seeing Mr Sun today so he can help you to feel toasty warm.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. You sure do look cute in there LG! Oh no, I'm sorry about your water problems and we hope all remains okay, especially during this blast of cold. Y'all try to keep plenty warm!

  5. We're so glad to hear you have your water back. Stay warm!

  6. That would be difficult, not to have water for a week! We are glad your friends helped to fix the problem!

    LG you look sweet in the bucket :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  7. Accck! No water in the house for a week would have been a huge inconvenience for your human, more so than you, we think. How lovely that a neigbhour brought water!

  8. We're glad your water got fixed! Stay warm and snug!

    The Florida Furkids

    ps - we're wearing our Captain America shirt today!

  9. Oh my - not having water is NO FUN AT ALL. I'm glad it's all fixed now.

  10. That is the bestest place to stay safe from brother, you gots like a little castle!

    The Mad Scots

  11. What a great place to sit and hide, LG. We have a bucket like that too that Mom Peggy uses when they turn the water off in the building to flush those silly potties that she uses.

  12. I think you look adorable in that bucket. Yes I do and I'll bet the rest of us think the same thing.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  13. Me think you look furry cute in the bucket !
    Glad you got some help with the water !

  14. LG you look adorable in that bucket :-) So glad you got your water back!!!

  15. OH LG I hope your pipes didn't burst. kitty in a pail is too cute
    Hugs madi your bfff

  16. You look adorable in your bucket LG! And we must say, in that first photo you look a bit like our Benny.

  17. Boxes or buckets, its a great place to hang in. Glad to hear your water is back. We know what that's like.

  18. Being without water is an awful thing. We're glad it's back!

    The Chans

  19. I'm glad the water got fixed! There would be very unhappy humans if that happened here!

  20. LG...WAY glad ya getted yur waterz fixed N frank lee we think ya look grate in that pail...R pailz all ways bee filled with werms ore fish !!!

  21. You look very cute in that bucket. I am glad you have got your water back.

  22. That is a very nice blue bucket that works for many things- doesn't it?
    I have a red bucket that we can put water in to flush toilets, but I cannot get into it.

  23. You look very cute sitting in that bucket. Glad you got your water back and had nice people helping you out

  24. How awful, especially for the person, having no water!!! My human is horrified. Me, not so much as I don't care for it!! Anyway glad you have it back again!! x

  25. We're glad that your water is back on and that you can use the bucket for the thing it's much more fun to do with... using it as a cat seat!

  26. Oh noes! No water for a week! We're glad you neighbor gave you some water! We think you look pretty cute in that bucket!

  27. Oh...I have been without electricity, but not water. That's not cool. Are the donkeys okay without electricity???

    I hope you get your water back!! Yikes.

  28. That must have been so inconvenient with no water! We are very happy you have it back again. We kitties think a good bucket is as nice as a good box.

  29. Oh LG, you look so cute in the bucket. We are glad to hear you have water again. Our hooman would freak out if she had to go that long without water. As long as we have it to drink we could care less. MOL!

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  30. So pleased your water is back on. You look super cute in your bucket xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  31. Living without water is a little bit hectic, we're glad to hear that it is back on. You look very cute in your bucket, and the blue color suits you well. Purrs

  32. Da cats 'round here always climbs in da boxes... it are an addiction or sumthin'...
