Monday, January 6, 2014

Mancat Monday along with 1-800-pet Meds.

Hi there, Black here and I am the MAN of the day and for today I am also the spokesperson for 1-800-Pet Meds.  Those nice people at 1-800 sent us a huge box of goodies at no cost to us except to talk about this terrific place to shop for your Pet Needs.
As you can see, I am hugging this great bag of treats since they are so darn tasty. Yum Yum. They are also very good for us/ They support our G.I. tract health and function. They have lots of great things in them, such as Omega 3 & 6, Zinc & Biotin which help support skin hydration, resiliency and hair and tissue health.  And you can easily order them here. 1-800=Pet Meds

Hi there LB here and I am LG and Tippy Tail's brother. Sooo
I get to be a spokesperson too. We just wanted to tell you another great thing about that 1-800 Pet Meds Place 
Pet Meds donates thousands of dollars of Pet Meds to help homeless animals in Shelters. They also have many posts all about some pets that have been adopted. They give you all kinds of pointers on what to do before you adopt a pet and what to do after you adopt a pet. There is a ton of great information on their Pet Blog at  Pet Meds Blog  
Also just to make it more fun, Abby, Daisy's Mom writes posts for this blog and so you get to see Daisy and Harley too. 
Hope everyone has a great day. 


  1. Awww such wonderful spokespersons!! Yay for you lovely Black and lovely to meet you LB! You're both gorgeous!

    Thanks for the review to this big bag of healthy goodies! take care

  2. Good job, Spokescat Black!
    Happy Monday.

  3. What a grand job you did!!!! We will have to check them out. Y'all try to keep warm, we are seriously worried about our ferals.

  4. What a great job you did on this post you two. I'm sure you had a wee bit of help from the person.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  5. Oh BLack...SO extra good to see you. You know I love all of you boys (and girls) outdoors. xxooxoox

  6. OOOHH..we get lots of stuffs from them too. I especially love the BIG BONE that comes with each order...except that I NEVER get the bone. It's too BIG fur me according to Mom. Butt..what does she know anyway???

  7. We have always enjoyed Daisy and Harley's appearances on Petmeds. And it seems a small thing to do in return for lots of goodies!

    The chans

  8. Very good job. If they are still hiring give them the Farm cats' resumes!

  9. Very good job. If they are still hiring give them the Farm cats' resumes!

  10. You make a great spokeskitty, Black (and LB)!
    We hope effuryone is keeping warm.

  11. You all did a great job! Our humans love 1-800 PetMeds. We do too, but only when treats are involved. Purrs...

  12. How nice 1800 meds sounds like a most easy and convenient way to shop.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. That was nice of 1-800-PetMeds to send you that package! I read Daisy's blog there every week - I miss her regular blog.

  14. LOL, Hairball Plus, I have seen everything now!
    Lynne x

  15. You made a great spoke puss and handsome too.

  16. You are great spokescats for them! We hadn't heard of that stuff so you taught us something today!

  17. You are fantastic spokescats, Black and LB! We think it's wonderful that Pet Meds does so much to help shelter animals (they helped the shelter where we came from -- PAWS!). :)

  18. Yummy guys! I bet you love those tasty treats. You kitties make great representatives for Pet Meds!

  19. You both make great spokescats! And we are so glad you got some things that are tasty and good for you!

  20. Great review! Sounds like you got some pawesome new goodies from it.

  21. Excellent write up., We're going over to their site to check them out.

  22. They couldn't have picked better spokeskitties! Those sound like some really good products, we'll have to check them out.

  23. That's where Mommy orders Maui's medicine! They are a good company.

  24. You two are great spokecats for Pet Meds. We haven't tried them yet but we will get our mama to take a look.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  25. Black, you are so handsome. You make Mommy miss our angel Thelma, who was a black beauty. Thanks for the good info about 1-800-Pet-Meds. We, of course, know of this site but have never ordered from it. Knowing more about it and what they are doing, Mom says she will use it next time we need to get Advantage and then check out their other items. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
