Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tortie Thursday

Hi there, Splitters here. I am enjoying my Person's bed. All of us cats just take over the bed. She needs to get another one of her own.I also really like to sit with the Person when she watches TV.
Hi there, Gertrude here and I am a tortie too just in case you didn't know that a calico is considered a Tortie cat. I am really not giving you a raspberry, I just had something stuck to my nose. 
Two Two here, and I am meeting all the Rudolphs that live here. For some reason they have been hiding somewhere and now they are coming out and singing and dancing. This one scoots across the room and if the person can figure out the video, we will show you.

Here is hoping that all of you have a terrific Thursday.


  1. How nice to see you girls today. And Two Two, we bet Rudolph would be fun to play with! :)

  2. Splitters why not take over the bed and you can all keep Marg warm when it's cold outside. Two Two are you letting the know Rudolphs what you'd like under the Christmas Tree?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Two Two what did you thinks of the Rudolph when him went across the room? Did you chase it? I hope the human figures out the video. Dat wood be fun to see.

    Dearest Splitters and Gertrude, Loverly photos of you all... We am Tortiez too.

    Purrz, I-Love Lulu (yes dats my name), Laura Belle and Anna May.

  4. We want to see that video!! Rudolph looks like fun!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Splitters, we take over Mom's bed too :) That Rudolph looks cute .Is he fun to play with?
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure,Tiger and JJ

    Thank you for the purrs and hugs when our Tillie crossed the Bridge.
    We miss her SO much.

  6. You guys sure are enjoying your surroundings. Nothing is better than the person's bed!

  7. My cats would know what Splitters is talking about: one of my fosters, Bear-Bear, is starting to join the perma-cats on the bed at night. That'll make five...

  8. Girls, I think you're right. She should get her own bed. Wait, the boy cats may take THAT!

  9. If Mom Marg did get another bed for herself, we know you would all end up on that one too. MOL!

  10. We take over the mom's bed too. We agree that the humans should get a second bed so we can have one all to ourselves!

  11. If the person gets another bed you'll just take that one too. That's the way you operate. Your person knows it too.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  12. Ahhhhhhhhh you all are too cute
    Hugs Madi and Mom your bfff

  13. You ladies are look great! We think you might want to be careful, Two Two. Rudolph looks like he's about to give you a nibble!

  14. What beautiful ladies on display today!! Mum's bed is the best,huh? Go ahead...take it over...
    Miss Kitty

  15. Torties are beautiful cats - just not to make mini-me's of, LOL.
    Lynne x

  16. We understand completely, Splitters -- we much prefer the human bed to anything else, too. :)

    Gertrude, we love that picture of you. Your tongue is very cute!

    Two Two, we wonder where Rudolph has been all these months? Maybe the same place as the tree that suddenly appeared in our living room?


    Moosey, Gracie and Zoe

  17. I have never understood why humans insist on taking over the cats' bed, Splitters!

  18. ummm.....we are so sure about dancing reindeers - you can keep those down there

  19. two two...we haza feelin ya better knot mess with yur moms rudolph...ewe mite knot get treetz for a yeer !! happee ton oh toona thurzday guys !!

  20. Are you girls taking turns dancing with Rudolph?

  21. Two Two, you and Rudolph are so cute together!

  22. Well the person could get another bed but then it wouldn't be as cozy with everyone all snuggled up in one. :)

  23. How much fun you are having, so much holiday spirit! Enjoy!

  24. Such pretty girls! Maybe your mom should get extra beds so she can have some room too!

  25. Awesome photos! I miss all of you!

  26. do you know that Cody NEVER EVER EVER sleeps on the bed? For the life of me I can't figure it out. Angel Bobo used to LOVE the bed, that was his favorite sleeping spot!

  27. We learned something new today. We thought tortes were calicos, not the other way around. Gertrude, you have a huge tongue. Hope you got your nose clean. The eight of us always take over the humans' bed. We don't know why they don't sleep in the guest room. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
