Monday, December 2, 2013

Mancat Monday

Just wanted to get everyone to send some more purrs to our good friend Brians  and send as many purrs as you can spare for Gracie. We all need to keep on purring  and praying for her. 
So here I am, Orange Boyzo, leaving my scent on the barn so no introooooders come around here.
Hi there Mister here and I am still the head Mancat around here in case anyone wants to know.  I may be getting up in my years but I am still chief. 
Hi there, Lucky here and I am one of the many Mancats around here. I just sort of keep Mister company and we go for little walks etc and just have nice days.

We sure hope all you Mancats and Lady cats too, have fantastic day.


  1. We have been thinkin' of everybuddy at Brian's and hope they recover soon.

    Ornage Boy, I likes to leave my scent all around's fun.
    And Mister, we could never furgets you is Chief Kitteh 'round theres. And it's always good to knows Lucky is theres to keeps you company.


  2. Good thinking to leave your aroma on the barn so you don't get any intruders there Orange Boyzo. We didn't know you were Kitty in Chief there Mister but we do now! Are you Mister's bodyguard Lucky?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Orange Boyzo, Mister and Lucky!! Such beautiful and ever so handsome mankitties for Monday! Purrfect! Take care

  4. Orange, I think you are gonna need a whole lot more scent to keep any more kitties away!! I think your place is a cat magnet!

  5. We certainly hope that no introoders come knocking now.

    We're purring and praying for Gracie.

    The Paw Relations

  6. There's 3 good looking mancats!

    We're purring like crazy for Gracie and everybuddy over at Brian's Home.

  7. Lots of great mancats there to keep it nice and safe there.

    We are keeping Gracie in our purrs and all of her sick siblings.

  8. Still praying for Gracie. Our babies are so precious.

    Have a purrfect Mancat Monday. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  9. I stopped by Brian's Home to leave my best wishes. It sounds like their dad is very busy trying to keep everyone well.

  10. Love your highlight on Zoolatry's Advent Calendar. What a handsome group you are. We're purring for Brian's crew like crazy over here.

  11. We've been purring hard for Gracie and all of Brian's family too.

    As for you handsome mancats, we hope you have a wonderful Monday. :-)

  12. Such good looking mancats! Purrfect on this Mancat Monday. :)
    We're purring and purraying for our furriends at Brian's home.

  13. Y'all are looking mighty fine! Thanks for all the purrs, we are hopeful they are working.

  14. Always a treat to see such handsome mancats!

    We went to check on Gracie and were glad to see she is doing a bit better.

    The Chans

  15. So good to see the Mancats around there! Mister, you're looking good! Purrs...

  16. How nice to see all you mancats! We too are purring lots for Gracie and for the rest of Brian's family too - how terrible to have so many sick at once.

  17. We send all our hugs to Brians house. When we had our cat, he was always rubbing his face against things.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  18. We are surely saying lots of prayers and purrs for Brian and his Sisters and peeps.
    You all look so cute today
    Hugs madi your bfff

  19. I am sorry to hear about your friend's kitty.

  20. doodz...ya guys R lookin good....N we got de purr motorz on high for gracie N de crew...we will keep em on high pace long az kneaded ~~~~ !! happee mackerull monday ;)

  21. Hi Orange Boyzo, Mister and Lucky! You mancats sure are looking handsome.

    We are purring and praying super hard for Gracie and all of Brian's family.

    Hope you have a wonderful day, friends!

  22. with such a sweet request I would certainly be happy to send prayers for your friend.
    Happy Mancat Monday

  23. There sure are a whole lotta handsome Mancats there! Hope you enjoyed your day!

  24. Oh you mancats are sure handsome and we sure are sending super purrs for Brian.

  25. Happy Monday, mancats. You guys are so handsome :) We are so worried about Miss Gracie and hope that she can get better soon.

  26. Orange Boyzo, there's no way introoders are showing their whiskers after that.

  27. We ladies would like to know if you three are single!

  28. Hi Boy-os! Honestly, my Human has not helped me visit in like elebenty years or something! I miss you guys, especially Mahoney and Two Two. XOXOXOXO
