Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Freeloaders

OK, LG here on the left, and my brother Tippy Tail on the right. Can you see that he is hugging me around the neck?? We moved in from next door since the food is much better over here. That Person tried to get rid of us, but we learned where all the cats eat over here and just helped them eat their food. So that Person had to feed us and now we just stay over here. 

Hi there LG here. They sure have some strange animals in here. They tell us that one's name is Rudolph. He is kind of cute and I am told he leads Santa's sleigh so I had better be nice to him. 
Hi there, I am the third kitten from next door. My name is LB for Little Boy. We do have a good time and enjoy the cuisine here. 
Baby Doll arrived all nice and safe .She is very nervous right now but we all expected that. I think that Donna is just the right person to take her. She is being very patient with her. 
 I also wanted to say that my good friend Dee Roche, sent Baby Doll a couple of things and one was a letter to her to let her know that we are thinking about her and hoping for the best in her new world. 
 Everyone have a fantastic day.


  1. The formerly next door kitties are beautiful. They are also very smart to move in with Marg! I love the picture of them hugging.

  2. What sweer kitties! We love the "neck hug"! We are glad Baby Doll arrives safely! We are certain she will come around and live happily ever after! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  3. Y'all are so very cute! I know Baby Doll will do terrific with Donna! Have fun everyone!!!

  4. MOL! We knew you kitties would like it better with Marg! And we're glad Baby Doll arrived safe and sound to her new home. We purr that she does well there.

  5. We're delighted to see that Baby Doll arrived safely at her new home.
    We see you have acquired two new mouths to feed - do you have a sign saying all animals fed here? Just hope you don't get an elephant moving in!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. MOL! Mom Marg sure has a soft spot in her heart for you freeloaders! Have a great weekend!

  7. Donna is reporting good things for Baby Doll - she purred for her this morning! Yay! Your freeloaders are cute!

  8. You aren't freeloaders. The person is just trying to be funny. She loves all of you and will take great care of you. She is too.

    We are so happy about Baby Doll. She'll do fine once she settles in. She'll be the best cat too. You just wait and see.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful person. ♥♥♥

  9. while we hope those people next door would take better care, nice to meet you all :)

  10. You former next door kitties hit the jackpot by moving in with Marg! We're glad Baby Doll is in her new home and we're sending purrs she feels comfortable there soon!

  11. That letter made me tear up. I would have sent her one to had I thought to do it. I have thought about baby Doll every single day. I am so sorry that poor precious little one is so nervous. God love her and calm her. xoxox

  12. That is so sweet the way he is hugging you :)
    Better not let those reindeers take over the cat tree!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  13. I'm so glad that Baby Doll arrived safely and has a home with someone who understands her.

  14. My mom-person's dad also have a bunch of the neighbors cats eating at his place :)
    Glad to hear that Baby Doll have arrived safely !


  16. what pretty kitties you all are. I love the picture with the hug, that's so sweet

  17. The next door kitties recognized a good thing when they saw it! They're beautiful.

  18. Those next door kitties know a good thing when they find it! They are all so beautiful too. We are so happy for Baby Doll.

  19. I am glad Baby Doll arrived safely and hope she settles in well.
    You are three cute kitties and you know the best place to be is with Marg.

  20. I was really happy to hear that Baby Doll arrived safely and it sounds as though she has a forever home to help her settle in her own time. Those neighbour's kitty know where it is the good life for sure. Hugs Carol

  21. hoping that Baby Doll adjusts well. Hoping Donna sends photos to let us know how she is doing

  22. Well, all we can say is your neighbor is so silly not to feed you three beautiful kitties - how cold they not do that when you are all so gorgeous!!!

    We are so happy for Baby Doll - she must be very happy to have found that special home.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  23. We knew it was a matter of time before you moved in. Mom Marge is a wonderful softie.

  24. Those ex-next door kitties certainly knew where the best home was!

    We're so glad Baby Doll arrived safely. We are crossing al our paws that she will settle in to her new home very soon.

    The Chans

  25. You guys are so cute! Glad you like it at Marg's. And so glad to hear about Baby Doll! Yay!

  26. Oh what an adorable picture of you both! What sweet kitties you are and what a kind person you are Marg for caring for them! We are so happy for Baby Doll and wish her the very best in her new home, we pray she has a good adjustment and does well and thank you for taking care of her for a whole year, Marg.
