Sunday, November 24, 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there Girl Kitty up top and LG underneath me. The Person put this neat gizmo out here for us outside kitties and so we are taking advantage of it It is comfy and I can snoooopervise everything.
Hi there, Mr. Joe here. And us donkeys like those sun puddles here too, to get all warmed up. As you can see, I am sound asleep.
Hi there Ande, the dog and Two Two the cat are have a great nap together. So just about everyone here is having an Easy Sunday.
We sure hope all of you have an Easy Sunday also.


  1. You guys sure do know how to get your Sunday easies on! Even Joe!

  2. You all have a wonderful Easy going on and I hope you keep plenty warm when the cold comes! Have fun everyone!

  3. It looks like you are all set to have an easy Sunday! Enjoy it!

  4. Oh yes, we are too, cause it's an inside day, we got snow coming down!

    Have an Easy Sunday!

    The Mad Scots

  5. Golden Woofs to Mr. Joe. Have a restful easy Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. We hope you all have an easy Sunday.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. I love your Easy Like Sunday posts. You all know how to take it easy for sure.

    Have a woof woof and purrfect Easy Like Sunday. My best to your person. :)

  8. A kitty condo outside? What a MARVELOUS idea!


  9. We say you are all having a great EZ!!!

  10. Awwww, how comfy you all look!
    Happy Easy Sunday..Purrs

  11. It's nice to see you all having a happy snoozy Sunday!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  12. What great Sunday pics! They are so special in their own way! Of course, the last one is our favourite!

    The Chans (and Tommy too!)

  13. Looks like you all have it really easy this Sunday!

  14. Enjoy your EASY Sunday. We think you all look cute but Joe is super cute sleeping!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Looks like a great easy Sunday for all of you.

  16. what a treat to get to see so many of you today. No sun puddles around here to nap in but we had a big warm blanket :)

  17. Wow, that looks like a pretty neat cat tree - I'd say your human did a good job and you are outside in sun puddles - what could be better.

  18. Glad to see that efurrybody is having an easy sunday :)

  19. You guys have got your easy on this Sunday and I note for much of the week too! Some great tales this week and loving Joe snoozing. Have a good week next week and thanks for the info about turkey as I didn't know this. Its ok tho' as the cats rarely have human food, even tho' Red might if he got more of a chance!

  20. It looks like you are ready to get your comfy Sunday easy on. Hope it's a great one!

  21. They all look like they are having (had?) an easy Sunday, and that's just how it should be!

  22. Oh all of you look so sweet and you outside kitties have a lovely tree to snuggle or nap and just hang out in. xoxoxox

  23. Yup, sunpuddles are great for everyone!

  24. That looks like an easy Sunday all around, you cuties! Glad you got some nice warm sun to enjoy. :)

  25. All of you are so cute! Hope the outside kitties have fun in their new playhouse.

  26. Oh my Cod Joe, you are so cute! Uncle Cloon and Auntie Tiri adore you!

  27. How nice of the Person to provide that nice piece of kitty furniture for you outdoor kitties. You two appear to be enjoying it. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
