Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mismash of kitty cats.

Two Two doing her cutesy look. She thinks the new tree is just the best. And we sure do thank TK and Pip's Mom for putting these great trees together for us.

Lucky is enjoying the company of Ande. Ande the most popular gal around here.
Mahoney here, and I decided to make a nice bed out of all the kitty clothes. This sure make a nice soft bed.
Hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday.


  1. You are really going to town on your cutesy look today TwoTwo. We bet you'll all have fun and also naps on those cat trees.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. You all are looking sweet and comfy today. Keep enjoying the company of each other, those nice trees and the naps on the kitty clothes. All of you have a wonderful and fun weekend. Hugs and nose kisses

  3. Y'all sure are looking cute, but that's normal for all of you!!! My Dad sure had fun visiting with you yesterday and it was so nice to meet Dee too! Keep warm, the burrrrr humbugs are here!

  4. looks like every kitty (and woofie) is all set for the day! Hope it is a great one!

  5. We think you all look super cute, gang! Two Two, you sure know how to do cutesy. That picture of Lucky and Ande is adorable! And Mahoney -- those kitty clothes look super comfy. :)

    Have a great weekend, friends!

  6. Those trees are great. I just know you all will enjoy them very much. Swooning over TwoTwo's picture - what a beauty.

  7. Those are such great pictures of all of you just relaxing this Caturday!

  8. You are all adorable. Yes you are and we all love each and everyone of you.

    Have a purrfect and a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful person. We love her too. :)

  9. Excellent choice of pictures today! Lucky, you could almost be Laila's doppelganger. Were wondering when Two Two would have her turn on the new cat tree. Have a great weekend dear friends!

  10. You all look so comfy and so cute. Happy weekend.. Hugs GJ xx

  11. Cuteness overload.

  12. Oh boy oh boy oh boy...we LOVE seeing lots of kittycats! We think your new trees are spiffy!

  13. Always a mishmash of fun at your house!

  14. What a beautiful mishmash...with
    Baloney Mahoney at the end.
    Hugs madi your bFFF

  15. Sounds like a lovely weekend at Marg's house! Happy weekend to all! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  16. We know you've had a wonderful week with Dee.

  17. Sounds like everybody had a wonderful visit. How wonderful!

  18. Everyone looks so happy and we beet your loved having TK and Pip visiting you!

  19. Nice to see you are all enjoy a quiet Saturday and getting ready for an easy Sunday. Have a furry good weekend. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  20. Mish Mash is fine with us - we loved seeing every furry, especially Ande.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. Pawsome mishmash of kitty´s and one woffie :)
