Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I just had to write and tell everyone how thankful I am for Mahoney being in my life. She now takes a nap on top of the printer beside my chair at the computer and keeps me company. On this particular day, she got even closer but notice how she did not get on top of the keyboard. She is my good friend.
She got so comfy, she just took a nice nap. What a good kitty.
Our good friends over at Wild cat woods cats  need some help with some green papers for some medications for some of the kitties since there are three of them that have the darn CRF.   They have a widget on their blog.
Have yourselves a wonderful Thursday.


  1. PepiSmartDog:
    Thank you for joining Thankful Thursday blog hop. Your kitteh pal is gorgeous! And I see he's a real scholar. BOL!
    Thank you for telling us about the ferral kittehs; I'll make a post about them in the next few days; between all us pals maybe we can help them a little.

  2. We're sure Mahoney loves being close to you Marg - you are her surrogate Mom.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. what a good girl Mahoney is. If it were Cody he would just be walking on the keyboard!

  4. How nice of you to keep your Mom company as she works on the computer, Mahoney. You're such a good girl!

  5. Mahoney is such a sweetie and she sure is a beautiful frined! I know it's hard, but try to keep dry everyone!!!

  6. She's such a pretty girl. We're thankful she has YOU!

  7. Awwwww Mahoney!! You are totally marvellous! Yay! Take care

  8. Mahoney is such a sweetie. Mom won't let me get on her desk.....but that's OK. I'd probably fall off!

  9. Your kitty is lovely! Our kitties climb on the keyboard sometimes, so that they get stroked and a cuddle.

  10. I know Mahoney is a special girl. Mommy told me she was and I am so glad you have her love and she, yours. xxoo

  11. How cats can be so comfortable on hard surfaces, I don't know, but I'm glad Mahoney likes the hard surfaces that are near you.

  12. She is happy you rescued her and Maggie

  13. awww - that Mahoney is a sweet girl - we are glad she got found by you!!

  14. What a great place to take a nap.... Wonderful pictures.

    Have a great day.

    Hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  15. I've always had a soft spot for Mahoney. Always and I'm guessing she knows it too. Too cute.

    Have a purrfect day Mahoney and all the rest of the kitties. Scritches to Ande too. My best to your mom. ☺

  16. Mahoney knows how to work the Mom. She's learning the keyboard so someday she can take over the typing.

  17. What a great picture of MaHoney! I just love her little oranging colored belly. What a good girl.
    I think you are both lucky to have each other!

  18. mahoney....ewe R doin a grate job oh keepin yur mom company and werkin at de same time...hope her rememburrs thiz when her iz dee sidin on what ta cook for dinner...flounder...hint hint...

  19. Mahoney we are thankful you are there with the Person toooooooo, but I suspect she trick you by offering you baloney
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  20. Mahoney is like me - she is a GOOD kitty! Well, except on the occasions when she is Not Good.

  21. Mahoney you are the best office manager we have ever seen! Maybe you can come over here and organize LP's office! She needs help! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  22. Mahoney is such a good girl! Mom says Linus could learn a lesson about keyboard etiquette here ;)

  23. Mahoney, what the heck is wrong with you? Don't listen to what that human says. You are a cat, and you are supposed to be on that keyboard helping with the typing. You can nap later. Now get to work. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  24. Mahoney you are such a sweetie and we are so glad you are so close to dear Marg.

  25. Mahoney is definitely a sweetie.

  26. It's great Mahoney is doing so well. She really looks comfy.

  27. Awww what a sweetie. Now I can't remember - was she feral?

  28. Mahoney can do no wrong in this house!!! :) She looks like Tigger (sorta)!!

  29. Mahoney is such a sweet girl to keep you company.

  30. Mahoney, what a good girl you are! My boys love to get on keyboard and type in kitty language :-) You keep company for your mom and make her very happy!

  31. Mahoney is a very wise kitty - she knows where the goodness is and that is right there with you.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  32. Mahoney is such a sweetheart :)

  33. We are so glad you found Mahoney too! I wish she would teach my kitties to stay off the keyboard, and to allow me to type would be even better!

  34. Oh MaHoney... you are just made for loving! Such a sweet ladycat, and I'm glad you take such good care of Miss Marg. She's a special human.

  35. What a sweet sweet kitty Mahoney is. We can understand why you are thankful. :)
