Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sleepy Saturday

Three boys taking a nap now that it is tiny bit warmer. Khaki here on the left, Orange Boyz in the middle and Spitters (not Splitters) on the far right. You can see that we have made the couch very comfy for all of us. Do ya like the way we decorated it?
Hi there, Spitters here, and I am not going to open my eyes.
Hi there, Khaki here and I am using my hind leg as a pillow. Don't you think that is clever of me?? I refuse to open my eyes too.
OK Dokey, Today and tomorrow are the last days for the auction. We still have people bidding so be sure to check you items that you have bid on.  AUCTION
Everyone try to have a fun day today.


  1. You all sure do look comfy and happy! Be sure to get plenty of snooze time it today and enjoy the warm weather!!!

  2. We are glad you can have a snooze now the weather is warming up. It is lovely here too and we have been out on patrol and are going to take our naps now too.
    We are sending whiskery kisses to Marg.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Love how all the orangies are in one picture! Very comfy looking. Have a great weekend!

  4. You don't have your eyes open because today is sleepy Saturday. You shouldn't have your eyes open.

    Have a purrfect Saturday. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  5. Glad you are having a sleepy Saturday and that the weather is warming.

  6. Love Spitters (not Splitters;) head peeping over :) Seems the paparazzi are everywhere these days!! mol

  7. We agree with Sandee - it is sleepy Saturday, so you should not have to open your eyes! Have a restful weekend. Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang

  8. I would say you both are quite cozy enjoy your naps... Spitters honey I am sorry I wrecked your name. You see, I have a spitter problem with my spl's you get the picture! LOL!
    Love you baby...Kitty's Mum

  9. It's nice to have a couch to cuddle up on

  10. Yes indeed that is a very comfy looking couch that you felines own!!
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  11. All of you look very comfy on the couch. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

  12. I LOVE that couch - it looks so comfy. You kitties have done a great job with it.

  13. You look furry comfy on the sofa !
    Thanks for reminding me about the auction :)

  14. The couch looks very comfy. No wonder you are so relaxed and sleepy :-) I hope you all have a good long nap. Happy Saturday!

  15. It's ok that you didn't open your eyes. After all when one is sleepy one should keep them closed :)

  16. Today's a really good day fur a nap and you guys do it so well!


  17. Your decorating skills really impress us! Enjoy your naps!

  18. Very clever, Spitters, good pillow substitute. We thought we had the names worked out and now we find out there is a Splitters AND a Spitters. BOL

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. Who needs to open their eyes during such a great nap anyways!

  20. Okay, who used the couch as a scratching post???? :P

  21. Looks like the purrfect way to spend Caturday!

    Thanks for coming to my pawty and for your wishes =^.^=

  22. Khaki, you are a contortionist! Purrs!

  23. Mom isn't gonna open her eyes either cause she is sick. Love, Cody

  24. No better decor than a bunch of happy cats. Happy Sunday!

  25. First a nappy Saturday and then a nappy Sunday. Looks like you're getting ready for a full week of playing and pesting. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Josette

  26. I think that leg trick is grand. I am using that for my 3rd afternoon nap.
