Monday, April 8, 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi there, Mister here and this sun feels so good. Also, I am trying to point out to the Person that these weeds need to come out of this pot so we can have some pretty flowers here. She needs to get some work done in the yard now that it is getting warmer. 
Hello, Lucky here. Look at this, the nip plant made it through the winter and is coming back. It will be fun when it gets a little taller to chew it right off. Now we just need to get the Person to keep watering it. **************************************************
The auction is now over and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for bidding and donating items. It has been a huge success. So Thank you!!!!
Hope everyone has a really nice Monday.


  1. Awwwww wonderful Mister and amazing Lucky!! You are both doing a grand job helping mum do up her potted plants! We know you will have some gorgeous nip plants soon! Yay! Take care

  2. very cool that the nip plant is coming back. Glad the auction was a success, as you know, we donate whenever we can..we just don't have it right now even for us.

  3. Nip is always taugh !
    My mom love nip too because it's so easy to plant and they are a survivor : )
    Have a great day guys ! Look like a nice day over there

  4. we managed to kill our nip. Mommy is thinking about planting it in a pot this time and keeping it in the backyard, with the dogs.

  5. Would you believe our nip plant has dried up and died? Mommy says it's because none of us were interested in it. As if!
    You are both looking great, Mister and Lucky!

  6. What lucky cats you are to have your own homegrown nip!

  7. We bet you boys are enjoying the lovely sunshine today - and we are so relieved your nip survived the winter as we'd have hated to see you both crying. Has Tees returned from his walkabout?
    Luv Hannah an Lucy xx xx

  8. Mister humans are very slow catching on...maybe you need to give her a subtle pushing it off the rail. MOL
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  9. That Person has a lot to do over there! What a great nip plant.

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  10. We're envious of your nip! Yes, best to make sure Marg waters it.

    Happy Monday.

  11. Hi Mister and Lucky! We hope your nip plant grows big and tall!

  12. Hi, sweet Mister and Lucky. Lucky, our catnip plant sometimes grows back like that. We will have to see what happens this year.

  13. Sounds like Marg really has her work cut out for her!

  14. I am sure you all enjoyed the nice warm weekend, we sure did. You two look terrific today!!!

  15. Your mom will get around to the weeds at some point, but not this week since it's her birthday week. With that here goes...

    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Marg,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ☺

  16. It is getting to be outside work time!

  17. Oh Mister you are so handsome with that sun drenched face. Both of you do sun well... Mummy will have your garden done so soon you will be enjoying your pretty flowers in a short while... Have a Sunny Day Guys, XO

  18. Looks like you could use some shades Mister on such a bright and sunny day. We planted lots of catnip seeds so we are hopping for our very own crop as well. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Josette

  19. I sure wish I had GREEN paws because Mommy sure doesn't! You should see our yard!

  20. Mister you look like you are really enjoying the sun :-)
    Glad it is finally getting warm. I hope nip plant will grow big and tasty!

  21. You both are SO handsome!!

    I'm trying to encourage my mom to start planting by digging in the yard. But she says it's too early. What does she mean...too early? It's APRIL! Oh, sure, it's s'posed to snow tomorrow but so what? Between you and me, I think she's just being a teensy bit lazy.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  22. Our nip plant is coming back too! Even though we live in an even more temperate climate than you, it did hibernate a bit over winter.

  23. meowloz mister N lucky...N think oh how fun it will bee when ya can head ta de local waterz, eat sum oh that catnip N due sum fishin for....sea bass !!

    a marvelous mackerull monday two all !!

    glad yur auctshun wented well :)

  24. Oh tell your Mama that LP hasn't even begun to look at the garden. She is very slow to get to work on it after the winter months! But it looks as though that catnip is coming up regardless! Enjoy the sun:)

    the critters in the cottage xo
    P.S. Great that the auction did well!

  25. Sometimes humans need an awful lot of reminding!!! ;)

  26. we are hopin' mom plants us some nip this year....she says she doesn't trust the weather enough to plant anything yet.

    so glad the auction went so well - we bid on a couple of things but didn't win :)

  27. So good to see both of you today. How exciting that the nip plant is coming back. Hope you get lots of good nip off of it.

  28. Boys, you make me just about forget my mancat are so mancatly!

  29. Mister you sure do look handsome in that sunpuddle!

  30. Fresh catnip? That's gonna be fun! We hope you enjoyed your Monday Mister!

  31. Mister and Lucky, we have lots of outside work that needs attention too. Mom doesn't like the style of gardening that Ciara and Lightning do. They dig holes but don't put any plants in them:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  32. Oh, I will have to go out and look to see if ours is coming up yet! thanks for the reminder!

  33. Nip is almost impossible to kill, even our mom can grow it. Maybe if enough kitties are eating it, it could be done in?

  34. Thank you for your kind purrs to Michico, she gets better!! :)

    I like the photo of you are standing next to nip, it looks great.

  35. Yay for the nip plant making it thru the winter!

    Happy Birthday to you! Thanks for all your hard work on the Furriends Of The CB auction for ML!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Hi Mister! You look pretty happy about the Sun and the returning Nip--and really, what could be better???

  37. Marge!!! It's 9 April here in the UK and so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me and Charlie and Gumtree!!! May your day be full of joy and hope and love!! Take care

  38. Good to see your nip survived. And a happy birthday, Marg.

  39. Happy birthday to you...
    Happy birthday to you...
    Happy birthday, happy birthday...
    Happy birthday to you...

    Love, love, love,
    Piper & Sushi

  40. Marg Happy Happy Birthday!!!! We all hope you have a great day!!!

  41. *Waves paws madly* HI! We've finalyy corralled our mommy so we can come blog visiting and wanted to wish you a very wonderful (and very belated) happy birthday!!!
