Friday, April 26, 2013

Formerly Feral Friday

Hello there, Gertrude her in the front, Little Bit in the middle, Maggie in the back and Lucky on the blankie. We are all formerly feral except for Lucky and he just wandered in here and made himself right at home.
We do love having a great nap on Mom's bed. We do move over a little bit when she goes to bed.

And speaking of Feral cats, the Person was so excited last night. She opened the door to the porch and Momma kitty was on one of the chairs sleeping and didn't run off. It has taken her four years to get that comfortable. That silly Person did a little dance and  the good news is that she didn't hurt herself.
We sure are wishing everyone such a nice Friday.


  1. he he - YAY for mama kitty sticking around. I bet this time next year she'll be wondering into the house and trying to find space on mom's bed! he he M says there isn't much room left there for a person!

  2. Great nap pile. We think our mum would have done a little dance too.

    The Paw Relations

  3. You all look so cozy on that bed. Definitely the good life! And great news about mama Kitty!

    The chans

  4. How nice of you kitties to scoot over for your mom on the bed ;) Glad that Momma Kitty didn't run off. Our barn kitty Honey Delite was pretty friendly last night, she meowed for the first time that I heard and was very social with me.

  5. We bet you were so happy to see Mama Kitty on your bed - there's not much room for you - do you have to sleep standing up Marg?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
    p.s. perhaps you should try a hammock!

  6. Awwwww you are such good kitties to let mum share your bed! LOL!!

    Yay for Momma Kitty!!! Take care

  7. Woof! Woof! Happy Feral Friday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. Can we teleport over and join your nap pile???

    We're so happy to hear that Mama Kitty didn't run off!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. See, that 4 leaf clover DOES bring your Mom luck! Yay!
    If this goes on, Momma Kitty might end up joining everyone on the bed and then your poor Mom will have to sleep on the chair at the porch. MOL.

  10. We love that all you feral kitties are comfortable together on the bed. And we bet it won't be too long and Mama Kitty may be joining you! Whoohoo!!

  11. I love how cats abruptly decide that something or someone is now acceptable, and their behaviour changes, after you wondered if it ever would. Good for Momma Kitty. And the formerly feral gang know a good life when they sleep through one!

  12. lookin' good kitts!!

    Yeah for Momma Kitty - it is always good to earn a little trust :)

  13. Hurrah for Momma Kitty! Maybe you'll teach her that being *formerly* feral is the way to go. :-)

  14. Darling photos=sweet dreams, beautiful babies!...So glad to hear Momma Kitty has realized how lucky she is to have you, Marg!...Have a fun weekend, dear friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  15. Y'all got your weekend comfy ready to go! That is so wonderful about Momma Kitty and it made us smile too! Have a fun weekend everyone, and keep dry!

  16. You guys look mighty comfy. That is great news about Momma Kitty

  17. If you are going to be feral, it's best to be at your house! You guys have it made! Have a great weekend.

  18. Awww, you all are so precious. I know your mom thinks so too.

    Way to go Momma kitty. You made the person very happy.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ☺

  19. It makes us so happy to see all of you former feral kitties so comfy on the mom's bed. And HOORAY for Momma Kitty. Way to go!

    Hugs, and wishes for a great weekend.

  20. Awww....cute photos of napping kitties!! It looks like that bed could comfortably hold at least three more cats, MOL.

  21. Comfy beds are the best. I too move over "just a bit" for my MOM. I get 2/3 of the bed (or more) and she is very happy to get what I give her.

  22. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a bed full of cats! Happy Friday!

  23. I'm just laughing trying to work out what shape your mum will need to lie in to get a sleep.

    Good on Mama Kitty, no wonder the human did a jig.

  24. guys; momma kitty noes yur mom iz a way kewl purrson thatz why !!! and tell yur mom if her reeeeeeely loved ewe...she wood let everee one sleep on de bed at night N her wood hafta get another one for herself !!!

    hope everee one haza grate week oh end :)

  25. Your human does so well with you feral kitties!

  26. Hooray for Momma - no wonder the Person did a dance. Before you know it, Momma will be sitting in her lap.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  27. Yay for Mama Kitty and your formerly feral kitties! You must have been very brave to face things that once seemed so scary, but I bet it was sure worth it :)

  28. Hooray for Mama Kitty. That's great news and it's also great news that your mom didn't hurt herself doing that dance :)

  29. You all look very happy you're formally feral! Yay for Momma Kitty not running off! We're glad your mom didn't hurt herself doing the little dance!

  30. That is one happy group and we are glad Momma Kitty did not run off and has accepted Marg!

  31. Glad too that your Mom didn't injure herself dancing!!! Good to hear Momma kitty is on the porch now.

  32. Hooray for mama kitty finally acclimating. The rest of you look so comfy on the bed. Is there room for one... or two... or three more?

  33. Sometimes it is the smallest and simplest things that make us dance! What a great accomplishment for Momma kitty. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat On My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  34. That's a really awesome nappy display, my fellow ferals-that-was! So pleased about Mama Kitty!

  35. Furry nice of you to move a little bit when it´s time for your mom to sleep :)

  36. Yay for "dancing and not hurting yourself" and for Mama Kitty not running away!

  37. It would be so nice to see the dance she did.
