Sunday, April 21, 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Just look at this, we have our very own apartment condo. We get to just pile up and take it all nice and easy.
That is me Maggie on the top and that silly Little Bit on the bottom. She loves her bottom bunk. 
And looky here, who came to visit all of us on our pond. The person was amazed that they let us get close enough to take a picture. They are too funny, they eat things off the bottom of the pond which means that their cute white butts stick straight up. 
Hope everyone has a really nice Sunday.


  1. That is some cool condo you got there and I can sure see lots of comfy! Those silly geese are fun to watch. Have a whole big bunch of Easy everyone!

  2. Woof! Woof! Happy Easy SUNDAY. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Nice apartment. It has nice big windows for the views.

  4. That's a great condo you guys have. And how nice that you are sharing it!

  5. awesome condo and I see you have the penthouse Maggie :)

  6. That condo looks like the purrfect place to spend an EASY Sunday!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. I really like the idea of mult-leveled nappin'. Adds a whole new dimension to the nappin', if you know what I mean. purrs

  8. That's a great condo. Looks like a wonderful place to get your easy on.

    Great shot of the geese. We don't see those this far south.

  9. Here in Chicago that would be called a "two flat". Looks mighty comfy.

  10. We think you can have a lovely snooze in your condo - have a lazy Sunday.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. Stacking cats!

    Watcjh out - those geese bite hard. Don't ask how I know.

  12. We like that…no competition. Two can each have their own napping spot. Have a good easy. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  13. That's a great condo, and we love how you two share so nicely. :)

    We have been seeing the Canada geese more often here, too. Pretty soon we'll be seeing the cute babies, we're sure.

    Hugs, and have a great Sunday!

  14. Hee hee. How nice of you both to share the condo! Have you tried snuggling in the bottom bunk with Lil' Bit, Maggie?

    Daddy doesn't like geese since he got chased and nipped by one when he was a kid. MOL.

  15. What a purrfect condo you have. It makes Easy Like Sunday even easier.

    Way cool on the critters. We have then here at the boat along with a ton of other critters to entertain us.

    Have a purrfect Easy Like Sunday. My best to your wonderful mom. :)

  16. I love your condo! I don't think I would share it if I had one though.

  17. That is a fabulous condo. Glad to see the feathers visiting. Mum was a long time taking pictures of swans with their bottoms sticking out of the water and laughing at their antics. we will have to show you on the blog. Enjoy your easy. Hugs GJ x

  18. We like your condo! It's nice it's got two floors! The birdies are pretty and bet they're cute with their white butts in the air!

  19. That is a fancy schmancy condo kids! It looks like loads of fun!

    That looks like a pair of Canada Geese. They mate for life! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  20. That condo looks brilliant for relaxing in evne if the neighbours are a little close. How fabby that you have geese to entertain you too.

  21. Cool condo!!

    PeeEss What's a condo? ;)

  22. The condo looks nice and comfy guys. And what cool looking visitors you have!

  23. Oh I LOVE you girls' condo...a double decker. Mine is a single decker.

  24. Cool condo - is there room for one more in there with Little Bit?

    Woos - Phantom,Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  25. Fabulous Condo! Mes and Kozmo NEVER shares ours at the same time. And we has those geese in the river behind the house! They sure is noisy!

  26. That's some cool Tabby easy! Those geese are stately, but we have some around the mom'w work and they are scary mean, so be carfeul.

  27. Mmmmm, there go Lunch and Dinner again, just swimming along like the tasty morsels they are!
