Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Hi there, Little Bit here beside Maggie.  Excuse me for saying this, but I am a very strong and special kitty. I know how to take care of myself even though I got hit my a car back in my younger days. I know how to scavenge and find food. I am such a smart girl, that when Mom drops a piece of her food, I am on it like a flash. I know how to find warm places to take naps. Anyway, the Person does think I am pretty darn special.
And this is my bestest friend. Maggie and I snuggle together a lot. She used to be a feral cat too and knows how to find food  and warm nap places too. So we have a lot in common.
We have great hopes that all of you have a fun and safe day.


  1. I think your Person is righ: you are a very special and a very pretty cat.

  2. Little Bit you ARE a special girl!!! You are so lovely! You are both precious babies!

  3. You two are so cute together. It's good that you are best furiends. :)

  4. Ditto, you ARE very special. We suspect your human thinks you're all pretty special, actually. :-)

  5. Thanks for stopping by... I added the link to my post, lost the original photo but maybe this way more people will click on the link. Thanks for the tip :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You are very special Little Bit and you look very comfy with your special snuggle buddy.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. You are also very special because you are a very rare girl orange kitty! Nothing better than having a snuggle buddy.

  9. Little Bit & Maggie, both of you are super duper Special Grrls !
    And you know where the love is , that's why you both here : )

  10. So sweet to have a cuddle friend.

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  11. We are happy you found a friend in each other and such a loving home too :) That IS special!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  12. You are special and smart indeed. Hear food drop is a super skill to have.

  13. We think you both are very, very special and you always make us smile! Have a fun day everyone!

  14. You´re so beautiful babies, do you know?

  15. Marg is right on the money about the both of you. She loves all of you so very much and it shows in her postings.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  16. Little Bit it is purrfectly fine to toot your own horn...I do it all the time. Heck if we have a special trait everyone needs to know.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  17. It's good to have friends with common interests

  18. Hi Little Bit and Maggie,
    It is good that you two are good friends.. We all need good friends!! You are pretty and smart, YAY YAY for you Little Bit!!!!

  19. nice ta meet ewe little bit N maggie....eye lived me furst yeer on de streets.....sew eye noe bout findind foodz two ...guess ewe could say we could veree easilee win that show "survivor " !!

    boomer o cat

  20. you two are pretty and smart.... stay warm

  21. We really like to see how you and Maggie are such great pals. :)

  22. You both are very special and we're so happy that you are living the good life now with your mom!

  23. Hi Pretty Girls,
    Yes, you are both pretty special. We can see that. We're so glad you have a good home with Marg! What a blessing!

  24. You are right, Little Bit -you ARE very special! Actually, so is Maggie!

  25. We sure do love you both and are very glad you have your home and each other.

  26. Beautiful Little Bit, you ARE a VERY special kitty! And so is Maggie. We hope you have a great day. :)

  27. Little Bit, you and Maggie are what I call street smart. Which makes you have extra special skills a lot of us house cats don't have. We admire you!

  28. You are both special and you are a very pretty girl. Mum loves kitties of all colours, but she has a soft spot for gingers. You remind her of Kitty YumBum but she was a very small girl.

  29. It is nice that you are independent, but having a peep in your life who gives you love is the most valuable thing in the world.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  30. We think you are both special and so's your mom :)

  31. You really are a special cat, Little Bit! And it's wonderful that you have a friend to cuddle with on chilly days.

  32. You are both very wise kitties. I'm glad that you have your mom there so that you don't have to do all that hunting for food any more

  33. YOu two are so loved and so pretty. Sending loves and snuggles. Pretty girls. xoxox

  34. We love how you both found a great home, warmth, foods and each other. That shows what special girls you are, and how good you are at fending for yourselves.

  35. Such a sweet picture. You are both special kitties :)

  36. A wonderful home and great friends.. we love happy endings!!!

    The Chans

  37. Little Bit, Me thinks Kozmo still has a crush on yous, he was furry excited to see you were in the blog today!
