Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tabby Thursday

Hi there, Mahoney here and I was feeling really puny yesterday. Tossing up stuff and some nice diarrhea. I don't feel like eating either. This is happening to me a lot so the Person is very worried about me. We think I must have some digestion problems so we are getting some grain free canned food and see if that works. She was cooking chicken for me and mixing it in with a little bit of fancy feast and I did all right on that for a while. 
Also a friend of the Mom's told her about a web site where the lady cooks for her dogs and cats, all natural stuff. So we are going to study that today. I feel a little bit better this morning. We know that cats throw up  a lot, but I spend the entire day throwing up and this not good.
So we will keep you updated.
Again, we are asking for tons of purrs for our good friend Eric. They do have an update on their blog today so Eric too, has to eat different foods. Please go visit him and his brother Flynn. Eric and Flynn********************************************
Hope everyone has a really good day today.


  1. I hope they find something to eat that agrees with you and you get over this quickly.

  2. Awwww sweet Mahoney! We hope you rest and get better! Good luck with the diet changes - big hugs! Take care

  3. Morning Mahoney....bless your little heart..we hope your person gets this all figured out. If anyone can it is her....maybe just a tad of baloney in your food would help!:-)
    Madi your BFFF

  4. Oh Mahoney, I'm so sorry you are not feeling good. I hope new food helps you and you get better soon.

  5. PS we copied the picture of Eric for our side board.

  6. Mahoney, we're sending healing purrs and keeping you in our purrayers. We hope a change in food will do the trick. You're right, throwing up the entire day isn't normal or good, poor sweetie.

  7. We are both purring like crazy for you Mahoney - are you gobbling your food down too quickly? We know your Mom will look after you and take you to the stabby person if you don't get better.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. We sure do hope you feel better really soon sweet Mahoney and we are all sending you purrs. Take care of that sweetie everyone.

  9. We're purring for you and for Eric. Mom puts a probiotic in our food.

    We hope you're feeling better quickly!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. we hope you are feeling better soon Mahoney!

  11. Hoping you are feeling better Mahoney and the new fuds work. Healing purrz, sweet girl.

  12. Oh sweet Mahoney, how awful! We are purring this is just temporary. Feel better soon.

  13. Mahoney, we hope that your throwing up and diarrhea don't go on too long. Remember that foods like chicken don't contain some important things cats need like taurine, which IS in commercial catfoods. Audrey's vet thought she might have a bit of irritable bowel syndrome since her stools are loose and yet no parasites, and she also was throwing up most mornings. He prescribed some small amounts of metamucil for her in her food. He said it should help her throwing up while it helped her bowels and it has. So though we hope Mahoney doesn't need to go to the Vet, sometimes there are things like that that the vets know that we humans wouldn't ever have thought of.

  14. Sounds like you are getting a gourmet diet. I hope you feel better

  15. We don't want you to feel unwell, Mahoney, so we are crossing all our paws that the right food for you is found. Plain boiled chicken and rice might work...

  16. I hope the new food helps and your tummy will better, Mahoney!!

  17. Many cats seem to be needing good luck these days, which is not good. I hope your digestion improves, Mahoney. There's a reason cats are always looking for food: you guys need to eat! So keep it up - or rather, down, and enjoy the chicken.

  18. I am sending you lots of purrs, Mahoney. Throwing up a lot is not fun - I have had experience at that, so I know! I hope you're feeling better soon!

  19. I'm sorry you've been sick Mahoney. I know your mom will figure out what to do. She's good at it too and you know that.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  20. Ah Mahoney! We hope whatever you have sorts itself out soon. We know how worrisome that is to your Mama.Our Mama gets worries when we have tummy upsets too.Hopefully that grain free food will help settle things :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  21. Bland chicken and rice is good for sick kitties. We hope you are feeling better soon.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. we will try N post this time with out all de spellin errorz !!

    mahoney; tell yur mom ta ask tim's dad bout his all natural recipe...him uses all natural ingredients N blends it in de blender sew de end ree sult iz like pate

    we iz sorree ya iz havin trubullz N we send de blessings oh st francis yur way for ewe ta feel better..reely quik


  24. Keep my paws crossed that you will find some good food that your tummy accept´s !

  25. Awww, Mahoney. We hope that the new food gets your tummy feeling better soon. Big purrs from all of us.

  26. Get well soon, Mahoney :( We don't like that you are sick!! xx

  27. Oh dear Mahoney we sure do hope you feel better very soon.

  28. oh poor Mahoney. Hope you're feeling better soon. Throwing up is no fun

  29. Get better soon, Mahoney! Barfing is NOT fun!

  30. Poor Mahoney, we hope you soon feel better. I used to throw up all the time too and the vet said it was food sensitivity. We found that beef or beef extracts was causing it so much checks labels to make sure I don't get them and now I hardly ever yak, just the occasional hair ball.

  31. Everybody needs to feel better please!! Purrrrrrrrrrrrr

  32. Oh Mahoney. We hope you feel better soon.

  33. Mahoney, we're wishing our best for you!

  34. Mahoney, We are so sad that your not feeling well. Don't get dehydrated. Hope the new diet works. Purrs, prayers and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  35. Oh dear Mahoney - Ryker had IBD so Mommy sez she totally unnerstands what your momma's going through. We look forward to hearing how this develops and what foods you discover are best for your tummy! Ryker used to have MARATHON hurl sessions - up to 9 at one time! He turned it into an art form, truly....

  36. My boy Eugene has IBD and he eats hypoallergenic food from the vet that is a duck base... might be worth a shot.
