Saturday, February 16, 2013

Stacked kitties

Hi there Khaki  up on top and Mahoney down below. That Mahoney has gotten very bossy and doesn't like it when us outside kitties come in for a visit. Can you tell that I am not pleased that Khaki is on our cat tree. He has his own trees outside. Khaki here, but Mahoney, it is cold out there. We just like to come in so we  can get warm.
So what is he doing now?? He had better be behaving himself or else I will have to give him a swat.  This is such a big job keeping track of all these cats. 
Our really good friends, Hilary and Marc  got themselves such a cute little kitten. Isn't she just the cutest little kitty. Go pay them a visit.
Don't forget the circus is still going on today.THE CIRCUS


  1. aw, Mahoney I think there is plenty of room on that tree for both of you and you can't blame Khaki for wanting to come inside where it's warm

  2. Sweet Mahoney!! LOL! Awww you so rule!! But we hope you let gorgeous Khaki stay a while longer inside! Yay! take care

  3. From what I can see there is room for BOTH of you in that inside cattree !
    My mom said Squieeee when she saw the little kitten :)
    NO I won´t miss all the fun on the Circus !!

  4. Mahoney is not going to move even though she is irritated that Khaki is there!
    We went to welcome Lucy. What a sweetie!

  5. Mahoney don't be mean and let Khaki get warm - the cat tree is plenty big enough for both of you.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Aww the way I se it there is room for all.. The kitty is gorgeous and going there now.. Hugs. GJxx

  7. Mahoney - you just need to relax a little......

  8. Yes, warm is a must sweet Mahoney so take it easy on Khaki...more cold is coming. That little Lucy is such a cutie. Have fun and keep warm everyone!

  9. Khaki, you have the best of both worlds! Cat trees outside and inside! Have a great weekend!

  10. It is so hard to share. We don't know why our human's think we should do this. Purrs and hugs, the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  11. Ha ha - it's tough to share isn't it. I don't know too much how that works cuz I'm an only kitty and am pretty spoiled by getting everything I want. But I think I would share if I had a sibling at home.

  12. Play nice Mahoney. It's cold outside and you should be gracious like your human is. I'm just saying.

    Lucy is indeed adorable.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  13. Oh Mahoney.... it's okay to be a little bit upset, but it really is cold outside, so we are glad you are letting Khaki share your cattree!

  14. You two look so comfy in that tree. Have a great weekend.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

    p.s..... HH bought tickets for the Circus for us... Can't wait.

  15. Haha Mahoney! We always thought it was Two Two who was all bossy. Are you taking over the role? :)

  16. We are always smacking each other around here - and none of us are outside kitties! Khaki, you will just have to cope, I guess.

  17. STACKED kitties...Ms. Marg you are a funny lady...that is why we love you.
    Hugs Madi
    PS we went over to say hi to sweet little Lucy.

    It took us 4 times to get that dang
    crazy code right though. We don't know them well but it surely would be nice if they could get rid of that

  18. thanks for sharing about Lucy!

    what fun that tree is!

  19. Don't be a bossy boots Mahoney and be nice and welcome Khaki to share the tree with you.

  20. Mahoney, you sure keep an eye on everything inside but we understand how those outside kitties would want to come in where it's warm and also where there's lovely ladycats like you!

  21. Yous knows Mahoney, me don't like it when Kozmo is on the tree at the same time as me. When me is there, me likes to imagine me is the Queen of the world and he makes fun and laughs.

  22. Mahoney, khaki needs to be warm too, Honey. Xxoo

  23. Woo-hoo Mahoney! You go girl! But you'd best be careful--I think there are more of THEM than there are of YOU, MOL!

    We are going to go check out the CIRCUS!

  24. Mahoney, we think there is plenty of room for all of you on the cat be nice and share, okay?? ;)

  25. We never thought about it but we imagine the pecking order there is compliCATed!

  26. There's enough room and we think sharing is caring like all of us do. Purrs!

  27. It's a kitty tree that actually grew kitties! Soooo adorable!
    We featured Lucy today too! Isn't she just too adorable!?

  28. Come on guys! There seems to be room for everyone =^.^=

  29. I hope the two of you are able to come to a peaceful agreement :)
