Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tortie (Calico) Tuesday

Hi there., Gertrude here and I don't look like a tortie but they say that us Calico kitties are part Tortie.
And that is true for me. My Mom is a definite Tortie and I have a sister that is a Tortie.

Just like my Momma, I love to roll in the leaves.
I seem to have some of the Tortie Tude too.
Wishing everyone a Great Tuesday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Mancat Monday

LB way up here on the roof. Things look pretty good up here.
Just look at all the stuff I can see.
Uh Oh, it is a long ways back down there. 
We sure wish everyone a Happy Monday.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, BG on the left and Spit under the blanket. This was taken back when it was so cold.
Mew Mew here just snoozing in the nice warm sun.
Lil Mum just napping on the foot stool.
Happy Easy Sunday to everyone.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Two Two's Saturday

Two Two just doing her thing going round and round the cat tree.
Can you tell I am having such a good time.???
Hi there everyone.
Wishing everyone a great Saturday.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Feral cat Friday

Hi  there Momma Kitty here and I am just enjoying this grass and leaves.
Now just to have a good roll.
Now I have a nice blanket of leaves.
We are sorry to say that our friend  at I have three cats 
Tungsten had to go to the bridge yesterday.. 

Wishing everyone a good Friday

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone, Tip Tail but I don't need to tell you that since my Tip is hanging down.
I am just thankful because I am just so cute.
Speak to the Paw.
Everyone enjoy your Thursday.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Update on Girl Kitty
She started to eat yesterday  a little bit. And she peed and pooped.
Everyone have a wonderful Wednesday

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuxie Tuesday

Hi there, Girl kitty here and I had to go to  the vishus vet today since I stopped eating and peeing and pooping. They stole my blood and gave me a bunch of shots and fluids. Sure hope this works. My blood work was fine and my teeth are not bad at all. So it is all a big mystery.
 The vet isn't sure what is going on. I have started to eat a little bit so hopefully I will eat more and more.
Happy Tuesday to all. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Mancat Monday

Ohs here and I am the Mancat of the week. I am just having a little rest between tours of the yard. 
 I will get up in just a minute and go do my duties.
 We sure wish everyone a wonderful Monday.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Easy like Sunday

Hi there, Maggie on the left and her daughter, Mahoney, on the right all curled Up.
LB on steps taking a nap if the Mom would just leave him alone.

Three lazy ladies. Maggie in the middle and Little Bit on the bottom and LG on the top all having a snooze.
Happy Sunday to everyone.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday Stroll Day

Tip Tail loves to show off why he is named Tip Tail
Tees is coming to see if maybe there is some food. 
Ohs here and I am not going to let my brother Tees beat me to the food.
Happy Week end to everyone.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Formerly Feral Friday

Hi everyone, Little Bit here and I love it when the Mom scratches my real portion. It just feels so good. I am fairly tame but sure don't like to be picked up.

Right there Mom, that is great.
I love to play with toys too. 
Wishing everyone a fun Friday.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thankful Spring Thursday

Hi there, LG here lounging amongst the nice blooms.
Hi there, Tip Tail here also enjoying that Spring has sprung.
Lil Mum here enjoying this great weather.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Tip Tail

Happy Wednesday to everyone.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patricks Day

Happy St. Patricks day to all, and thanks to Zoolatry for this great graphic.
Tip Tail says Happy St. Pats day and have some green beer.

Joe says he might like to try some green beer.
And it looks like LB in the chair has already had his share.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Mancat Monday

Orange Boyzo here with my best friend Ande with my sister Split looking on.

Happy Monday to all

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Easy like Sunday.

Maggie on the left and her daughter on the right, just having a great easy.
Little Bit just having a little yawn during her Easy.
Now to napping.
Happy, Happy Sunday to all.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Such a nice donkey surprise.

Hey Joe, I think I see some doggies come over here to our pasture. Do you think we should check them out???
Joe says, Oh look it is Stanley and Taffy. Aren't they cute?? 
Smoke says, they do look like very nice dogs.

WOW, thanks so much you two and everyone else that was part of this plan. I did have a hard time when I got all tangled up in that darn wire. That really hurt and I was in terrible shape for a long time so this is such a nice gift.

Too bad those cute doggies couldn't come enjoy this hay with us. Next time we will have to be prepared with doggie treats. We sure do thank everyone for the help and thanks Sarge for spying on Taffy and Stanley. You did such a good job. 

We sure do thank all these great blogging friends.

We so hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday.